Definitely go 90/10 and if possible, rinse the meat in a colander. You'd be surprised how much that helps! I've used ground turkey and it's okay. NOT great either. LOVE chili!
If I take a good quality acidophilus capsule with foods that tend to bloat me, I fair much better. Hope that helps.
What about avocado? I used to do Atkins. For yearssssssssssss. Loved it! Loved BACON! Until I went in for my annual one year and out of the blue - my cholesterol jumped to 266. YIKES. Now, I eat a balanced diet. Boring. LOL
I strive to.
Personally, in the beginning, I request friends, if I want to learn from THAT person. I rarely reply to status updates. Instead, I want to want gage their daily calorie count against mine (if our goals are the same) against something I may be doing wrong. I just want to see how they did it. If I find something they've said…
I'm definitely in need of *open diary* friends I can gain perspective from. If you're open to new peeks on what your daily menu looks like, please add me!
I'm having a really hard time here. I feel like my metabolism must be awful. My calories are low, but every time I up them, I gain. What the heck am I doing wrong?
Thanks. It's a big help, just LOOKING at what others log!
Don't forget the ever important fat component. Good fats when coupled with the above may help you feel full and for longer periods of time.
A friend of mine found this workout station on iHeart.