ackersb Member


  • Wellbutrin worked great for me and I lost a lot of weight. Some of it was anxiety related. One of the biggest things that helped me get off all meds was diet. I had to totally get off sugar and white flour and my anxiety and depression went away. My prayers go out to you for wellness : )
  • That's a tough one! There are sugar free candies out there, but they aren't nutritious and can be hard on the tummy! If you are craving pure sugar, there is a suppliment called gymnema (sp?) that works wonders!
  • Chocolate milk or chocolate peanutbutter smoothies (banana, chocolate, gresh ground PB, almond milk) YUM!
  • Wow!! Congratulations : ) You look beautiful!
  • Not sure that I am much help, but a trainer showed me how to use them. I loved them! They create lean muscles in females. I did three exercises with them and felt they worked in hte few days I used them. We have one at home, but it's too heavy for me to really workout with. Hopefully someone else has more info for you : )…
  • Your diary looks good and pretty healthy! I have been on the south beach diet (before ) and they had some excellent recipes.You could google that or Atkins recipes. I love ground turkey which is a great protein and low in cholesterol. I make meatloaf with it and you could use almond meal mixed with herbs rather than…
  • Thank you!! I am going to give it a try : )
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • I had almost a month of no weight loss, although I did lose some inches during that time, but I also started training for a 10k and working out at least 4 times a week and was getting exhausted from it. I felt that my body needed more calories to keep running properly and decided that I am not in a rush to lose the weight…
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • I can see that it worked for you, but what motivated you to do that? I am willing to try anything : ) Do you think you were starving your body? [/quote] I had almost a month of no weight loss, although I did lose some inches during that time, but I also started training for a 10k and working out at least 4 times a week and…
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • I can see that it worked for you, but what motivated you to do that? I am willing to try anything : ) Do you think you were starving your body?
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • I saw that you are a foodie on your profile. I love good food too and ate unique and delicious foods before my toddler came along. Let me know if you have any good recipes : )
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • That is a good idea! I work out 4x a week too. I also do allow myself some or all of the calories I burn.
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • Thank you so much! Congrats on your success!!!
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • Thank you! Maybe we can be a support to each other : )
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • Thank you :happy:
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • Let me know what she says : ) Thanks!
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • Ok thanks so much! Time to measure!!
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • You are so right about the creamer! My mother in law just visited and left it so I am trying to use it up. Probably time to just toss it : ) I will add some strength training too. I've been taking advantage of the weather and hiking.
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • I am pretty much eyeballing it, but I *try* to log less than what my eyes say. I will take your suggestion though and start measuring : ) I also was completely unaware of the recipe builder--very cool! I will start using that. Thanks so much! Happy weight loss thoughts coming your way!
    in Help!! Comment by ackersb March 2012
  • You can also use a high quality frozen to save money.
  • I could use some help and motivation too!! Please add me : )
  • Good for you for buying so many healthy foods! Perhaps she wished she had that strength. Next time tell her to join myfitnesspal! : ) Keep up the good work! Becky
  • Congratulations!!! Only 5 lbs away is awesome!! You should be very proud--you look great : ) I wish I could offer advice, but I am still figuring it all out myself. My guess is more calories.
  • You can do it!!!! Don't give up. May I suggest you go light on sodium, sugars, and carbs for a couple of weeks? I am going that route and it has helped me a lot. The cravings disappeared after 3 days and I feel a lot better. You'll lose much faster too. You can do it!!