gdmanley Member


  • Pass definitely, but 35 years ago??? I hate being the underdog in anything and I would most definitely the one trying to keep up these days.
  • I had three hospitalizations in 2006 and the Dr. told me on my second visit, that I was very close to being in ICU. I have a congenital problem called "pancreas divisum" and likely aggravated that by becoming a professional drinker for a few years. I have since been diagnosed as having chronic pancreatitis and had a…
  • I am the hybrid who doesn't have a "type" yet. I had a partial pancreatectomy so my pancreas can not produce enough insulin and I was type two previous to that. Be glad to be a friend, but I don't look at my home page very often, so replies may take a few days.
  • This is true for me as I have diabetes which many deal with and the amount of insulin needed affects calories burned and I also have pancreatic exocrine insufficiency which requires digestive enzymes. These two issues alone affect my basal metabolic rate in extreme ways so I just have to calculate the best I can and then…
  • I have chronic pancreatitis and have had a distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. The chronic Panc. diagnosis is about 9 yrs. old and you should not only be on a low carb diet, but also low fat. Anything that is difficult for your body to digest i.e., fats, can set off a pancreatic episode. You also will have to learn the…
  • I had a portion of my pancreas removed in January and due to a lack of insulin production am now insulin dependent. I have been on diabetic mads for about 10 years, but this insulin thing is a whole new ball game. I hate running also and live in an area where if I don't get out very early, I can not handle the heat. When…
  • Unfortunately, their tremendous carb content is not good for us diabetices. I hate it, because it is one of my favorite foods on the golf course.
  • If all of your machines allow you to input age, wt., ht., lifestyle (sedentary, active, etc...), I wouldn't trust the numbers there to a great degree.
  • It is very important for men as we are often, at about fifty or some younger, carrying big bellies, but our weight hasn't changed that much since we were 25. I've lost about 5 in. off my waist and hips during a period of time where I only lost about ten pounds. Some of that is burned fat replaced by lean muscle.
  • I understand wanting to give up, but I also know how badly I internalize the guilt of giving up and then I feel bad for two reasons. I also have IBS, chronic pancreatitis, and diabetes. It makes it hard to stay motivated because weight can be so fluid for me. 5# swings in a dayu are nothing, so I feel like I never really…
  • As a die-hard Cowboys fan since the "Ice Bowl", I resent your actively pulling against them. jk, they are a love or hate team, but have unfortunately not been relevant enough the past few years.
  • Regardles of your religion/non-religion, I just watched Hillsong and it was about seeing the positive in things and not the negative. OP; thanks for the post and I am glad you found something that works for you and were willing to share. I am 100% disabled and fully understand the cost obstacles of trying to eat healthy.…
  • Current research indicates that those who sleep the recommended and needed amount for adults (8-9 hrs.) lose and keep weight off more effectively. Your body is also much more prepared for attacks from viruses and bugs because all parts are rested and ready. Neuroscientists believe that those "superhumans" who only need 3-4…