

  • I just made the following tomato sandwich -- 2 slices whole wheat bread hummus smear horseradish smear tomato slices salt and pepper liberally!
  • Could you post a recipe for a low calorie Madras Curry? I have always been intimated with exploring the world of curries; but I completely succumb to them about once a month at the Indian Food Carts on my campus. I'd like to make a diet friendly version.
  • bumpity bump bump I eat so much fruit and it destroys my sugar-- but I've heard natural sugar is okay? Do you know how honey weighs in? Is it a natural sugar?
  • bump
    in eat stop eat Comment by bununu June 2011
  • I'm a vegetarian and breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I basically eat it all day at my house. But without eggs, this may be a little tough to give advice on. 1. SCRAMBLED TOFU! The trick is to season the hell out of it and add a little (soy/almond) milk for moisture. Salt, cayenne, old bay, basil, cajun seasongs--…
  • I hardly see any vegetables in your food diary! Try getting 50% of your calories from fruits and vegetables.
  • I have the same issues. During the week, I work out hard and eat raw fruits and veggies and lean proteins. But come Saturday and Sunday, it is all beer and bad pizza. For me, it is because I spend the weekends with my boyfriend at his father's house who is not at all concerned with making healthy decisions. This is the…
  • Hey! I think we are pretty similar. SW: 144 CW: 137 GW: 130 / 125 Height: 5'5 Sex: Female
  • My Total Lean shake is 200 calories per two scoop serving. And! I totally mix it with unsweetened almond silk. Delicious. What is your vegan protein shake called?