Ok, this is ridiculous.



  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I don't think you are too far off. I think what you might want to do is lower your goals to .5lbs a week and see what is gives you for a sedentary lifestyle. You are not doing too bad calorie wise, but I see you trowing in a few prepared treats that might be sabotaging you. A cookie here a donut there. When you get closer to your goal weight there is less room for error. If you have been exercising for a bit, you might be over estimating your calorie burn too. I use a HRM monitor and I have noticed, that I need to increase the intensity to hit the same HR I did a month ago. If you are doing the same routine, you might want to kick it up a bit or alternate days, so you work different muscle groups. You said you were doing Zumba 4-7 days a week, maybe you should try a diffent class a couple of days instead.

    Best wishes to you.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    You're eating a ton of carbs, they spike insulin causing your body to store the carbs in the muscle or turn it in to fat. If your muscles are full it will turn in to fat.

    I don't know why people keep on talking about "eating more." does anyone know what a caloric deficit is? It means you consume LESS than what you burn. 1500 + 250 = 1750 (250 is eating) this is not eating 1500 + 0 = 1500 (greater caloric deficit).

    I know people will say that stuff about "it speeds up your metabolism." truth of the matter yes eating does burn calories, here are the facts.

    97% of fat can be used for energy.
    89% of carbs can be used for energy
    80% of protein can be used for energy.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    The issue is not necessarily the calories you consume that prevent/halt weight loss, it's the "TYPE" of calories you consume. I already talked about how carbs effect your body and can cause a halt in fat loss or even increase fat gain. Does this mean go on a "high protein low carb diet?" NO. It means, have "balanced" meals. A little bit lower on the carbs,and you should be fine and of course exercise, can't take that out of the equation.
  • piexcore
    piexcore Posts: 85 Member
    Ahhhh, I do have a sweet tooth. I had kind of hoped that as long I ate the right amount of calories it wouldn't matter where they came from. When I was in high school I ate nothing but diet coke and cake for two weeks and lost 10 pounds so I guess... I was hoping...lol. I'm such a fat-kid at heart.

    I do drink allot of water- so much more than eight glasses that I don't even bother writing it down. Although I eat so much salt its probably negated.

    I don't have a body bug or anything- but I'm a really energetic dancer ( lots of sweat- I like to compete with the instructor) and I record about 200 calories and fifteen minuets less than I think I burned so I don't think eating more than I burn is the problem. I probably should switch up the type of exercise though.

    Thanks for the advice guys- I'll definitely up the protein and try to slash the sugar and fat.
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    I think you really need to be sure you are eating enough. For me enough protein was key to my weight loss. I have a Muscle Milk Light every morning (20g protein in 100cal)
    You may also want to check with your doctor on what “your” ideal weight should be. We all come in different sizes and what is healthy for your body could be a size 2 or a size 10…good luck girl!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Ahhhh, I do have a sweet tooth. I had kind of hoped that as long I ate the right amount of calories it wouldn't matter where they came from. When I was in high school I ate nothing but diet coke and cake for two weeks and lost 10 pounds so I guess... I was hoping...lol. I'm such a fat-kid at heart.

    I do drink allot of water- so much more than eight glasses that I don't even bother writing it down. Although I eat so much salt its probably negated.

    I don't have a body bug or anything- but I'm a really energetic dancer ( lots of sweat- I like to compete with the instructor) and I record about 200 calories and fifteen minuets less than I think I burned so I don't think eating more than I burn is the problem. I probably should switch up the type of exercise though.

    Thanks for the advice guys- I'll definitely up the protein and try to slash the sugar and fat.

    hold your horses girl. You need so many calories a day. If you lower your carbs, you have to compensate with protein AND fats. If you just increase protein, it will be hard to hit the calories you need, this is where fat comes in. Of course healthy fats, unsaturated fats. Such as olive oil, avocado's, nuts... things of that sort.

    1gram of protein = 4 calories
    1gram of carbs = 4 calories
    1gram of fat = 9 calories.

    Fat also releases CCK(Cholecystokinin) which suppresses appetite.

    I just saw someone post about watching your sugar. This is a "Yes" and "No" type of deal. Carbs are sugar. The more complex the carb the longer the chain of simple sugars. So the longer it takes to break down. The "sugar" on myfitnesspal. Doesn't know the difference if the sugar came from a complex carb such as whole wheat, or if it came from a simple sugar such as a candy bar.

    So the thing here is if you eat healthy carbs, don't worry about what it says about sugar. People don't fully understand fruit. Yes fruit is a simple sugar, it's made up of fructose and sucrose, but to convert this to glucose is a long process, so fruits act as a complex carb.
  • droppin_lbs
    droppin_lbs Posts: 107 Member
    I'm sure that you are burning way more than 200 cals, probably closer to 400-450, if you are competing with the instructor. This would put your net calories even lower than you originally thought.

    I suggest you purchase a HRM - try for a Polar (name of brand) that has a chest strap. You will feel good knowing what your burning during your workouts.

    Ahhhh, I do have a sweet tooth. I had kind of hoped that as long I ate the right amount of calories it wouldn't matter where they came from. When I was in high school I ate nothing but diet coke and cake for two weeks and lost 10 pounds so I guess... I was hoping...lol. I'm such a fat-kid at heart.

    I do drink allot of water- so much more than eight glasses that I don't even bother writing it down. Although I eat so much salt its probably negated.

    I don't have a body bug or anything- but I'm a really energetic dancer ( lots of sweat- I like to compete with the instructor) and I record about 200 calories and fifteen minuets less than I think I burned so I don't think eating more than I burn is the problem. I probably should switch up the type of exercise though.

    Thanks for the advice guys- I'll definitely up the protein and try to slash the sugar and fat.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    You are def. eating too high a amount of fats, salt and I would bet you #1 offender is Sodium. You eat a lot of processed foods, and that isnt good either, filled with preservatives which doesn thelp you in the long run.

    Also, try addign a protein shake to the mix. Im up to three shakes a day to increase my protein!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    You can workout until your blue in the face and your limbs fall off, but if your not fueling your body with the proper foods you will never see results. Imagine a full bucket of sand, if you continually pour sand into the the bucket it over flows. If you take a scoop out and put it right back in the sand level stays the same. You need to eliminate bad fats and sugar from your diet and eat more lean proteins and fibrous carbs. I know it sounds strange, but you also need to eat back at least 1/2 if not all of your exercise calories. HTH:smile:
  • bununu
    bununu Posts: 12
    I hardly see any vegetables in your food diary! Try getting 50% of your calories from fruits and vegetables.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"

    There's only one way to solve this.
    Full out Pokemon-style Stealth Ninja Sumo-wrestle Mele! Bring your samuri sword, gun powder, and best throwing stick. Each of you pick your animal sidekick. We show down at 3pm Eastern Standard Time on top of the Lincoln Memorial Building.
    Now this is going to be clean fight. No biting, throwing acorns, or punches blow the ankle.
    Each of you in your corner? Good. May the thickest neck win. Now FIGHT!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"

    Actually your contradicting yourself. you said:

    "97% of fat can be used for energy.
    89% of carbs can be used for energy
    80% of protein can be used for energy.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place. "

    If one consumes 100 protein calories and 80% of them are used as energy that would be 80 calories used as energy not 20.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Stop with the math and logics. If you solve their problem I'll have to refund the Mele ticket prices.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"

    Actually your contradicting yourself. you said:

    "97% of fat can be used for energy.
    89% of carbs can be used for energy
    80% of protein can be used for energy.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place. "

    If one consumes 100 protein calories and 80% of them are used as energy that would be 80 calories used as energy not 20.

    If you eat 100 calories, you will burn 20 IN DIGESTION. Leaving you with 80 calories to fuel your body.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"

    Actually your contradicting yourself. you said:

    "97% of fat can be used for energy.
    89% of carbs can be used for energy
    80% of protein can be used for energy.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place. "

    If one consumes 100 protein calories and 80% of them are used as energy that would be 80 calories used as energy not 20.

    If you eat 100 calories, you will burn 20 IN DIGESTION. Leaving you with 80 calories to fuel your body.

    That's not what you said. Now your talking in circles.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place.

    Someone failed math....

    100-80%=20. That's 80, NOT 20. Secondly If you eat `1500 and your body burns or uses 1500 to maintain it's current weight you gained 0 weight.

    re read what you said very very carefully... I am not the one that failed at math. If you still can't figure it out, ask yourself "where did the 20 calories go? Once you figure that out, ask yourself how many are left, and what are they?(trick question calories are energy i know you know that)"

    Actually your contradicting yourself. you said:

    "97% of fat can be used for energy.
    89% of carbs can be used for energy
    80% of protein can be used for energy.

    So if you eat 100 calories of protein, you will burn 20 calories. You would be better off not eating the 100 calories in the first place. "

    If one consumes 100 protein calories and 80% of them are used as energy that would be 80 calories used as energy not 20.

    If you eat 100 calories, you will burn 20 IN DIGESTION. Leaving you with 80 calories to fuel your body.

    That's not what you said. Now your talking in circles.

    no i said you will burn 20 calories by eating 100 calories. Which is true, 20 calories burned in the digestion process.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    We could arm wrestle???