lisajlb Member


  • mine is open, and i have found that friends on here have gleened the odd bit of useful information from it. Seen the good and the bad days but have picked up things that have made them think and helped them. each to their own i suppose but from a support network perspective then the more information you can get the better…
  • thank you all :flowerforyou:
  • Looks like too much sugar and remember this can lead to diabetes problems, you seem to be over on this most days. I learnt the same way using MFP and adjusted to make sure that sugar and fat didn't go over any more than calories did. Stick with it you will get there x
  • Hi, I am in Lancashire, been on here 3 weeks and loving it - gets addictive. add me if you want
  • Oh yes, only discovered ten days ago and never off, never on Facebook any more, this is much better and the app is awesome
  • Hi and well done, I am only starting out but I do go to a great gym and the instructor there says the only real way is with crunches and lots of them regularly, hard work but seems to be working all be it slowly. Hope that helps
  • I love tea and drink lots of different types the one today was twinings strawberry and mango really refreshing and quite different.
  • Thanks everyone doesn't seem to be a big deal, all others are lower. Will go and have a play with settings