Food dairy, why don't more people make them visible?



  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    I think both sides of this are really valid...If I see that "so-and-so has completed their food diary for the day" and they have a private diary, I don't comment...It really needs to be live-and-let-live where diary privacy is concerned I think. :smile:

    I do this too, figuring how can I comment on what I do not see? When I can see a friend's food diary and make an intelligent comment, It is not to be judgmental... just what I expect from my friends who can see my food diary. Not to mention that anyone who is under a calorie goal, no matter the number of calories, deserves kudos if they have done it in a healthy way! Mine is open to friends, and I hope they care enough to look. I don't feel "harassed"; it is helpful feedback, and I feel encouraged!

    If people choose to keep a food diary private, I respect that; however, I will not comment if they are under calorie goal... I have seen too many under 1,000 calories per day to encourage that on a daily basis :cry:

    For me, having on open diary means that I think twice about my caloric intake/output, and that works to help me change lifestyle habits. Do I always eat what I should or should not? NO. But my friends are not mean, and they see I am trying, so it is all worthwhile :love:
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    LOL Number one, mine is on default as I just joined last week.

    Number two, I may switch it, but may not since I don't eat any meat and rarely dairy... Sure some Veggies or Vegans might want to know, but then they ask, I can tell them. It's way less harsh this way. I don't want to get into arguments over my food. Hasn't happened here, but happens in the real world ALL the time about V vs Veg vs lacto-ov, vs Foodie, vs cage free, vs Palio, vs SAD.

    BUT maybe I will switch in a month or two to make things interesting. I doubt it though.

    Also, because of number two, I don't care what people eat or need to see it. I am a good cook, happy with my meals and again, if people are curious as to how I lost 8 pounds this last week, then they ask! :)

    I think we need to be supportive and can be, NO MATTER what we are eating! SO if you want to show it, COOL! If not- COOL!

    Either way, Life is Good! :) Hope this offered insight. I am not trying to be mean, I'm no angry, I just didn't know and I don;t know that I care! LOL I am currently working on recipes for a new article so... ehhh, can't give it all away for free! :)
  • Mine is not public because you'll have no idea what I'm eating sometimes because I am Hindu and eat alot of curries and other recipes named differently which I've entered into MFP myself.
  • jwgca
    jwgca Posts: 44
    mine is public and boring. i eat pretty much the same thing everyday.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Eh, when I'm comfortable, I'll open it. Right now it's just a little uncomfortable to share what I eat every day.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    This is one debate I don't understand from either side.

    1. Why would I care what anyone thought of what I ate. I don't hide in a closet when I eat my meals.
    2. Why would anyone care what i eat? And certainly enough to make a comment on it?
  • I did not even know you had the choice...
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    Mine's public...I couldn't care less what others think of my diet. I eat meat.
  • Watch_Me_Shrink
    Watch_Me_Shrink Posts: 24 Member
    I prefer when people have their diaries open to view, but I wouldn't not accept a friend request or delete someone because of it. If people want to keep it private that's ther choice and in not goin to criticize anyone for their choices.
    I have mine open because I want people to comment on it if they want to. Also because it will make be feel accountable.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    There's not enough privacy these days. People think they have a right to know someone elses business. That's why there is so much more drama and hate in the world because we all know too much now. Keep it private or public. Whatever suits you, your lifestyle and personalitiy.
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    Mine's private. The only person I'm accountable to for my eating decisions (good or bad) is me, so sharing would only give random strangers the feeling of superiority for eating one fewer carrot stick than me. ;-)
  • Mine is private and likely to stay that way. I grew up with a grandmother who, despite being at least 50lbs overweight herself, was very, very critical of what I was eating. I vividly remember being 10 years old and coming to her house after a day at the pool and having her grill me about whether or not I should be eating a cookie at my weight. It's 100% my own issue to get over but until that point I'm keeping it closed.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Sometimes people have personal notes they keep on their notepad at the bottom, Everyone can see them if they open their their food diary. They may want to keep those notes private.

    Exactly my reason. Plus, if I was super busy that day and wound up way under on my calories, I don't need a lecture from any strangers about it.
    I have a hard enough time getting myself to eat enough calories, knowing how satisfying and tempting it is to create such a visible recorded deficit at the end of the day, and if I knew others were going to watch each calorie go up--- forget it. It would just make it that much harder for me to eat regularly knowing people were going to track my every bite.
  • lisajlb
    lisajlb Posts: 12 Member
    mine is open, and i have found that friends on here have gleened the odd bit of useful information from it. Seen the good and the bad days but have picked up things that have made them think and helped them.

    each to their own i suppose but from a support network perspective then the more information you can get the better options and choices you can make.

    i think it is mean though if anyone on here looked at a diary and then judged in a nasty way that person, that is not on and shouldnt be happening. it is about makig suggestions for alternatives and ideas perhaps on a country to country basis.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't make mine visible because I'm not asking for advice on it.

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Mine is public to friends as I have nothing to hide. I have been told that having mine open has actually given them a few tips, etc. (very nice compliment, by the way). I've had people comment on things I have eaten, in a light-hearted manner, but none of my friends have downright been judgemental or rude about it. If they were, they wouldn't be my friend for long. I also appreciate tips from friends, if I ask.

    That is not to say that I don't see why others are private. Some feel more comfortable that way and that is their business. I just do not make supportive comments on those diaries, since I cannot see it.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    I have mine open and its because I want suggestions. I also would never critisize anyone. I like to look at diaries because it gives me food ideas, plain and simple.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I'll tell you why I don't share mine with everyone:

    Because people are judgmental and often rude about it. I am an extremely picky eater who eats the same things everyday. I also consume far more calories than a lot of people on this site do. I used to let people have access to it, but when they get it in their head that it is okay to offer me advice or whatever -- I shut it down. I've lost 60lbs and I am currently maintaining my weight. If I don't ASK for your opinion or advice - I'd appreciate you not commenting on what *I* choose to eat.

    Easiest way to eliminate that? Not letting people see what I am eating. Am I embarrassed about what I eat? Nope. Am I trying to hide behind a private diary? Nope. Do I do it try and keep my crappy eating private? Nope. Because for ME, I do not eat crappy. I keep a food diary for me and me alone. What someone else thinks of it is of no concern to me. :)


    Mine was public when I first started. Then I began receiving nasty messages from people whom I don't even know, berating me for eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day, or for having one off day and going beyond my calorie goals, or for eating a burrito once in a blue moon. I don't need that.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Mine is visible only to my friends. It is hard for me to share it at all. It isn't that I don't want the support or accountability, it is just that to me, there have always been things you just don't share with others. Eating is one of those things. Maybe someday I will open it up to everyone, maybe not. I do know plenty of people that have been on here a while that have been harrassed for what they had in their diary (or didn't have). That is not something I want to experience.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Mine is open to my friends and i have only had positive comments, but i have heard of a lot of people who get rude comments, so i am not suprised that most are closed.