Food dairy, why don't more people make them visible?



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    There are good reasons to have your diary public and good ones for having it private.
    I do not need people to advise me on my food and nutrition but if I did it would be a good reason to make mine public. I do not need any one to keep me accountable. I am 58. I am a mother. I am a totally capable human being accountable to myself not all of the WWW. If I did need that it would be another good reason for making my diary public. If you want advice I am happy to provide it. I spend alot of time supporting friends here and I log everyday. I do not have an iPhone so I post log when I am away. Food diaries are tools for the individual. They are one of the most effective tools for weight loss. Having others comment on my food I know is not one of the most effective tools for weight loss. We are all on here for different reasons and with different food and exercise issues. We have different health issues. We have different ages and body types. I have been concerned recently on how people have commented to each other on the boards. I want to be able to support people who ask for my support on here so although I have many friends that I feel like I could trust if they understood me and my issues well enough I am not that confident about everyone here I support as a MFP friend. Some are new how do they know my issues yet? I am not going to jeopardise such an important tool to me for my health just because there is a group think on here that I should. I respect those who do and would appreciate that others have the ability to respect others and their choices.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    In another recent thread related to this, some people stated that they are within their rights and not jerks for making unsolicited comments on people's diaries since they are public. I'm a small girl with a very small frame, I don't need anyone criticising or telling me I'm under-eating because my calories are lower than the average bare minimum (1000 a day). There are too many armchair nutritionists (and a general overshare of emotion) lurking here for me to be willing to share much.
  • nll002
    nll002 Posts: 18
    I am my own worst critic, and after beating myself up for having a bad day, the last thing I need is someone else giving me grief over what I am eating.
  • laurelei09
    laurelei09 Posts: 32 Member
    Mine's open to those friended. Diaries should be as open as the owner is comfortable with is my way of thinking. it's only when someone asks for help that I go truly rooting off in their business or attempting to give advice. I keep mine open to people I've friended because I think it's fair (being as I like seeing what others are trying) and I'm comfortable with it.
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    Mine is only open to those I am friends with. I don't mind people being able to see it, but I would object to unsolicited 'advice'.
    I doubt it makes for an interesting read. I make a lot of things from scratch so it is quite hard to guess what the flour, egg, and olive oil in amongst the mass of vegetables actually make (i.e. lasagna sheets, egg noodles, tagliatelli).
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't make mine visible because I'm not asking for advice on it.
  • Mine is private. I came to this site basically to log and keep track of everything that goes into my mouth. I hold MYSELF accountable. I don't need babysitters or hall monitors yelpin at me because I ate a cookie..or below calories. We are all grownups..if we are serious about fatloss....we will do what's right to achieve one else can do it.
  • gfchica
    gfchica Posts: 54 Member
    Mine is viewable to friends. I like the feedback that I sometimes get but quite honestly, I was hoping I'd get more. Maybe I should just make it public to everyone?
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    It's private by default, and I don't think most people know they can make it more public.

    I didnt even realise mine was private til the other day.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    It's private by default, and I don't think most people know they can make it more public.

    I didnt even realise mine was private til the other day.

    I fall into this category.
  • JConstine
    Meh, my diary is public for no particular reason. I'm not really worried about someone making a comment on what I eat. I want to eat better but I also don't want to deprive myself of all of my favorite food.'s been too long since I've had a brownie. :(

    Anyways, I can see why people would want their food diary private! As long as you're achieving or working towards your goals, that is all that counts. :)
  • ckspores
    ckspores Posts: 52
    I also noticed that mine was private this morning. I changed it to public so the whole world (and website) can see that I still pretty much eat garbage.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Mine is private. After I joined I did think of making my online friends view it. But then I decided not to as I don't tell my offline friends what I eat, unless I'm eating with them, then why should I tell online friends....

    I'm here to lose weight and counting calories is the way it works for me..If I wanted some advice then I would ask all on the forum....
  • BamaNation73
    You don't need to know what somebody is eating to be able to support them in their weight loss and there's an entire subsection of the message board devotes to recipes if you need new food ideas.

    I agree, especially as someone who has just started out on this journey to change my life. I am still floundering on what works for me and know that I am still struggling with conquering bad habits. Someone else on here said that they were their worst critic...well, that's me in a nutshell. As someone who has struggled with their weight for the majority of their life, this is not my first rodeo at weight loss, but it is my first time in doing it, as a whole(with calorie counting, water, and exercise), correctly. I know that I shouldnt be eating cheeseburgers, or jelly beans or anything else that is not good for my body. That doesnt mean that I dont blunder. What's different now is that now I am honest about it and when *I* see it on my diary, I feel guilty and havent, as yet, repeated the same blunder.

    I dont know that I will ever make my diary public. After reading this thread, I doubt I will. I do know that I have fallen in love with the feeling I get from the encouraging words that are given to me on a daily basis from everyone on MFP. I hope that I make those that I offer praise and encouragement to feel the same. That is something that is free and can do nothing but good.
  • BamaNation73
    um that top part was part of the other person response...
  • sandhillcrane
    I was also thinking people don't realize they have the option of public vs. private. I checked mine after reading these posts and sure enough...mine was private so I changed it!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Ultimately, it's none of your (general "your") business what I put in my face hole.

    My log is friends-only most of the time. Sometimes it is private.

    It's the same reason why my Facebook is private/friends-only. I just don't feel comfortable with anyone and everyone all up in my business.
  • JohnnyStorm
    JohnnyStorm Posts: 43 Member
    Mine is public mostly so that I can receive feeback if I request it. If I get feedback without requests that's fine too. What I'm doing is working but I always consider well reasoned opinions. If it's not well reasoned; we'll that just gives me something to laugh about.
  • undermajorconstruction
    Mine is open to the public. Helps to keep me accountable knowing that I may have someone watching. It's been working great for me so far! I view other ppl's diary's and always get ideas on what to add to my grocery list. I tend to forget about certain foods that I like. I don't judge or suggest anything unless I am asked or if the person seems to be in a rut. But to each his own
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    mine's open, I know most days recently it's not been good due to stress with school starting, moving ect. I don't care if people look, but I don't want advice from people about it unless I ask them for it.
    People may be giving people advice that is unwarranted so people might be keeping them private for that reason, I think it would just be easier to not be friends with people who are going to give you advice on your diet when you don't want it than to make your diary private.