Slipstreme Member


  • I've been on keto for 2 months for mainly health reasons. Diet is fun and I've found some great recipes. Add me :) I have to check out that community as well
  • If you r adding more carbs, you likely aren't on keto, but low carb- which means you will likely still be burning sugar and not have enough to allow you to have energy to run. Keto requires strict adherence, and the transition to keto will be tough until your body becomes effective at fat burning, especially if you are…
  • I had 5 scrambled egg whites with hot sauce and 1/2 an avacado. and homemade chai :) yummy!
  • Hi Kiazokunomaiku (thats a mouthful!) I actually only have an impedance scale- but it tends to tell me that I am consistently dehydrated no matter what, so I ignore the %body water... thanks for the "hello so quickly. this appears to be a very active forum!
  • I'm a bit of a "snacker" when it comes to lunch- Today I am having 1/2 cup safeway caramelized hummus with carrots (fantastic combo) and 1/2 cup of costco's 7 grain salad. (total 360 calories) Another fantastic combo is sauteed garlic shrimp with low fat cottage cheese- (Sounds crazy, but try it, it is amazing)