

  • That's crappy! I had a friend like that too. After 2 years of cutting her out of my life she wrote me this long letter saying she was sorry, and she said all the things she knew would hurt my feelings because she was jealous of my life. Forget everything she said. Today is a new day and you are doing the right things. You…
  • Good luck! I'm new too!
  • Victorias secret sizes are wack. I am always way bigger sized in there bras. Probably the same for panties! I hate the way there bikini panties fit. Looks like I pooped my pants! I do have narrow hips and I'm short. Maybe they target the super-model folk?
  • Green beans are considered a starch I think, but black beans, kidney beans, garbanzos etc...
  • Low fat cottage cheese has a ton of protein. Edamame, canned tuna, hard boiled eggs, low sodium deli meat, and basically any beans. Homemade hummus is a great option too. It's cheap and easy and you can put it on anything.
  • Cool I just changed my goal to 30% protein 15% fat. This will be way more managable! A girl needs her meat!
  • Sounds ALOT like me. I did everything I could possibly do. My weight use to come off as soon as I started eating better but now my metabolism is slower and I'm used to eating more than I should so when I cut down calories I'm starving. My doctor reccomended me taking phentermine. I've been on it for 2 1/2 weeks. It is…
  • Thanks everyone! I feel much better! Now to figure out how to change those settings...........