sarvissa Member


  • You have to keep moving, but don't overdo, especially if you're still in your first 6 weeks post op. Strength will come in time and with effort. I had laminotomy on L5-S1, and I know the pain you mentioned. Just keep moving...
  • have you tried olive oil mayonnaise? Since I started buying it, I won't buy any other kind!
  • I have a Honda Shadow 600... new to this group, sort of new to riding. Coming up is my second full summer of riding, can't wait! I'm in Albany, Oregon, and technically could ride year round, but I'm still a fair weather rider.
  • I just made 5 loaves of banana bread yesterday! I can tell you this is healthier than regular banana bread, but I'm sure someone out there could make it even healthier. 1 stick butter, room temp 3/4 cup sugar ( I substitute Splenda instead) 2 eggs 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 cup whole wheat…
  • ZBars for Kids, made by Clif. They are really good, really filling, full of fiber but lower in sugar and calories.
  • LOVE THIS!!!
  • I kept olive oil and a shower cap on my girls' heads for 3 hours... this was after 3 or 4 chemical treatments (every 2 weeks) that failed. I can't see putting poison on their heads anymore if it's not going to do anything. The olive oil worked, never again saw another louse.
  • I have found the Kids Z bars (made by Clif) are generally low carb and low calorie. I'm diabetic so I look for carb/sugar content and these are low. Plus they taste REALLY good, better than any other bar I've had.
  • I have a son (21yrs) who basically won't touch a vegetable. He eats the main course (usually meat related), and that's it. If he's still hungry I tell him to make a sandwich. I have a daughter (13yrs) who recently became vegetarian. THAT threw me for a loop for sure! I now try to incorporate more meatless meals, or more…
  • My mom is very similar, although instead of Pepsi, it's beer. Last time I visited her (she lives across the country) I actually went out and bought a bunch of fruit and vegetables because I just couldn't eat what she had in the house. Boxed meals, pizza rolls, and beer...absolutely NOTHING fresh. I made a few dinners which…
  • We were just at Universal 2 weeks ago. The Harry Potter section is incredibly cool! When it first came into view, it seriously took my breath away, and I'm not even a huge Harry Potter fan. My 13 yr old daughter (who thinks she's the coolest thing since sliced bread and never shows any emotion) was just speechless! The…
  • Yeah, schools here are very ummm interesting. Thankfully I went to school in MI, so I supplement my kids' education!
  • I used to be from between the 2 knuckles on my pinkie finger. I moved to Oregon 7 years ago though. Funny, people from here don't know where MIchigan is, and when I say it's the state shaped like a mitten, they give me this blank look. Then they say, "there's a state shaped like a mitten?"..... sigh.
  • Outside of Michigan, would anyone know what a yooper is? ;) I was born and raised in MI, but currently live in Oregon. Feel free to add me!
  • We also grow many of our own spices, including basil, oregano, cilantro, thyme, dill and marjoram. We've tried rosemary a few times, but had no success at it.
  • The only lower sugar yogurts I've found are greek yogurt. I buy just plain, then add a handfull of berries to it.
  • Peppers take a long time to sprout and to harvest. I've grown several varieties from seed every year and not had a problem. I currently have my onions, habaneros, and tomatoes started and sitting in my greenhouse. I am planting jalapenos and .... something else (don't have my calendar in front of me) this week. Might I…
  • Are you going to have surgery to get it repaired? I would say don't do anything that would require a stable knee such as circuit training, zumba, stairs, etc. Maybe stick to machines at the gym that work certain parts, like abs, arms, etc.
  • I had my surgery on a Thursday, and the first several days I spent in bed other than using the bathroom. By Monday I was up and around, although still had a lot of pain. I was told to do very little sitting. Had to make sure when I was in bed to put a pillow between my legs if I was on my side, and under my thighs if I was…
  • I do pretty much anything other than running. 30 Day Shred was fine, I've been doing a circuit training class at the gym, elliptical, treadmill... I just don't feel comfortable running because that puts so much pressure on the discs and I am afraid of a re-rupture. The pain I went through last year prior to surgery was…
  • Last March I had surgery to trim a ruptured disc (laminotomy). The ONLY exercise I was allowed to do for the first 6 weeks is walk. No bending, lifting, swimming, biking...etc. It was difficult because I wanted to be moving, exercising, losing the weight I gained between the time my disc ruptured and my surgery. I did…
  • Feel free to add me, I'm 39 with 3 kids, and a lot to lose!
  • feel free to add me!
  • Have you gotten clearance from your surgeon? My teenage daughter had ACL reconstruction in October and I've been working with her to try to get her back to her former athletic shape. My goal for her is to get her back on the soccer team this summer. Feel free to add me as a friend and you can ask me anything.
  • You can add me too! I don't generally log my food, but always log exercise and try to encourage my MFP friends. Diabetic also...
  • GO BEAVERS! ;) I'm in Albany.
  • We're average.... nothing special.... not short, not tall... sigh. I, too, am 5'5".
  • My son is going. He mentioned the other day that Tom Felton dropped out.
  • If anyone lives south of Salem, OR, check out It's a loose knit group of motorcycle enthusiasts that meet monthly and plan rides together. It's an awesome group full of great people.