Clif Bar Alternatives

Hey all,

I LOVE Clif bars, but they are so darn high in calories and sugar that I just can't justify eating them anymore. I would make my own trail mix or something, but I know that if I just make something in bulk I will eat it all in one sitting (especially if I'm drunk haha).

So, my question is, what are some good alternatives for this? I don't want to eat fruit or veggies for every snack, but I want something that I can just pick up and leave with.



  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    Have you ever had a pure protein bar?
  • MissCheese
    MissCheese Posts: 195 Member
    I too love Clif Bars but haven't had one for a while. I figure that when I get to my goal weight I can incorporate them back into my diet again as my preferred after bike snack.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I like Think Thin bars - calorie wise, I think they're only slightly better than Clif bars, but they have less sugar.
  • kathleennnnn
    Think Thin bars are the best ! 20 g of protein and no sugar!
  • sarvissa
    sarvissa Posts: 70 Member
    ZBars for Kids, made by Clif. They are really good, really filling, full of fiber but lower in sugar and calories.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I eat Lara or Kind bars because they don't have many ingredients in them.
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member

    P.S. I often narf the Pure Protein powder after a work out. It's not horrible, and if you throw in instant coffee, and even some peanut flour/PB2, it will absolutely get you back going after you blow some calories.

  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I eat Lara or Kind bars because they don't have many ingredients in them.

    Ditto to this. I buy Larabars in bulk (at BJs), but will buy a Kind bar if I'm out somewhere and turn into a hungry monster. ;)

    Also, I've seen a lot of recipes for Larabars, and might try making my own for post-workout refueling.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    Try prue protien bars, test great.
  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    what about making your own and you can control what goes in them...?
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    ZBars for Kids, made by Clif. They are really good, really filling, full of fiber but lower in sugar and calories.

    Sorry to burst your bubble; ZBars (I've bought a lot of them for my kids) are simply smaller servings of regular Clif bars. Which does make them a more reasonable snack, but they are not denser nutrient-wise.
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member

    Oh no, I just started eating Clif bars 2 days ago and I love them.
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Have you tried The Simply Bar? (

    I found them recently and I like the fact that they have natural ingredients at around 150 cals. Caramel Peanut has been a good one:)
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Some great suggestions, thanks all.
    Will definitely have to look into possibly buying some Pure Protein bars and/or the Simply Bars.

    Might go with the Simply bars, simply because of the lower calories and I don't think I need that much protein (not doing intense lifting) but they both look good :)
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    I adore the Atkins Caramel Peanut Cluster Bars: 140 Calories, 3g carb, 9g fat, 8g protein, 5g fiber. Very much a quick on the go snack.
  • kari574
    kari574 Posts: 99 Member
    If you did make your own, you could freeze them so you don't eat them all at once. I made a batch of granola bars and froze them. Each night I'd get it out of the freezer to thaw and grab it to take to work with me the next day.

    Also, regarding this topic, I've read recommendations for Quest Bars. I've never had them, but they seem great quality, though not cheap, and have a lot of yummy-sounding flavors.
  • gollyitsmolly
    I have to be honest, cutting out prepackaged bars made a huge difference in my energy/sugar cravings because even the lower sugar ones usually have a lot of artificial additives or are really high in nuts or nut butters. I eat a lot of healthy fat, just not in one tiny bar!!

    I've made my own lara and cliff style bars with honey, almond or peanut butter, chopped almonds and dried fruit but I could eat a whole batch in a day or two! Especially like you said --while drinking, haha!

    For some alternatives that work great for me:

    brown rice cake with flax/almond butter, cinnamon & banana
    homemade Jamie Eason's pumpkin protein bars w/walnuts paired with cottage cheese (
    handful of raw nuts with an apple & string cheese
    oatmeal, greek yogurt, flax & berries
    baked sweet potato with coconut oil & cinnamon
  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    I love the peanut butter Pure Protein bars.
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    I love clif bars..I have turned them into the perfect pre workout snack...I eat it first thing in the morning before I head to the gym and torch about 4 to 800 calories...I also am a server so I eat them as a snack when I am at work..I usually only eat them when I know I will be expending the energy! :)
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    I was recommended toward Kashi bars, they are around 150 cals and I love them!! A great afternoon snack!