

  • Hiiiiiiya am from Cornwall but now live in the Midlands :happy:
  • really need the motivation here - wanted to start building up sits up (and push-ups) in feb but slacked off way too quickly. Will get on it tonight :smile:
  • hi i am in the west midlands also. feel free to add me too
  • My boss - constantly telling me to have a cake have some chocolate you don't need to diet. I feel like I'm NOT dieting but I am watching what I eat and getting healthy. Sush trying to get me to eat cake because YOU want to eat it (i say this in my head obviously!!)
  • Hi i am in Birmingham
  • Yes i only look at the cals. i don't worry too much about the sugars and i have remmoved the sodium from the chart as i don't eat processed foods. I don't worry about the fat even so long as i know i am eating "good" fats like nuts and fish
  • I find that a hot water bottle helps - in fact i keep a wheat bag at work which is great because i can tuck it in my trousers and still walk round as long as i have a baggy top on (usually do at this time of the month!!) and for when i get really bad back cramps i have found that a tens machine helps. I got mine on amazon…
  • Don't worry - this happened to me when i first started trying to lose a bit of weight. I am not sure if it was because i built more muscle because i started working out when i had never really worked out before - but the weight started coming off after a while and although it's been a very slow process it has consistently…
    in HELP! Comment by Tams297 October 2011
  • Sounds like a sefl-fulfilling prohesy to me. If you secretly think you have no hope of getting to your goal you are letting yourself off the hook and allowing yourself to not even try. i don't know you but I KNOW YOU CAN REACH YOUR GOAL. every sucess story on here tells you you can. Sit and read through a few. it's not…
  • For me a tiny bit of 70 or 75% cocoa dark chocolate helps and chocolate cravings. A small square is usually all i need of that and the green and blacks one is only 20cals per square so it's not cheating.
  • Signed - great idea :happy:
  • Well done - and what a FANTASTIC reward. I hope you really enjoy it because you have earned it.
  • I tend to wrap it in foil with slices of lemon and some parsely or some dill and oven bake it for around twenty mins to half and hour (for a hole fish - if you just have fillets you can lower this time or even pan fry). Then i serve it with green veg - my faves are asparagus or boccoli) and boiled new potatos and perhaps a…
    in Sea Bass Comment by Tams297 June 2011
  • yeah i have been splurging at the weekends. It's frustrating me a bit though because i do think that maybe i should but it down to one of the weekend days and not Friday Saturday and Sunday as i am not loosing weight as quickly as i hoped i would at fist.
  • Hi, i live in Birmingham and am a bit of a newbie on here. feel free to add me if you like