busywaterbending Member


  • first ever free weight routine, having had over a year off, and you are pumping 45# biceps curls but only 50# bench press? doesn't sound right. get yourself a personal trainer.
  • you are doing good. Take it slow and get a firm foundation of Fitness. Don't cheat by dieting down, get the diet + exercise routine down together and don't quit. Since you have time, start to focus an a skin care and exfoliation regimen so that you have it down pat once you are ready to rock your bod on a stage. Keep your…
  • lol, ahem. sorry for the laugh. I really hope you are alright! A fall to the knees, ouchie! Just another reason why I usually cycle or elliptical myself. I work at an all ladies gym, I've seen it all. Down to the new fashion trend by the octogenarians; camel toe in the leggings. on purpose! ewww! I can't even hang out on…
  • lol, Z. really? who's not gonna look at the hulk making a comeback? I'm surprised the little wee folk don't go running for the hills when you walk into the gym. The sonic booms from your tire flipping are scary enough, God forbid you flex in front of a dude like the OP, he'd faint. Gods of lifting don't even notice when…
  • hophead... no. unless you are part of my crew who is appreciating my deadlifts because of my gains, or counting out my pullups (16..17..18..19...) you need to put those ear buds in and keep your eyes down. Most guys like you are smart enough to train in the am with the senior citizens.
  • hi! yelp and meetup.com are great ways to find out more about austin. Also, message me and we can go hit up the hill country swimming holes or hikes around austin. Beware of any yelp review that has 1 star. Anything with 1 star is to avoid! There's too much touristy stuff in the city. Groupon has great packages and deals…
  • lol so, honey nut cheerios and trader joes honey sesame seed nuts are out?
  • It has been scientifically proven that the nervous systems in plants are more sensitive and more highly developed than lesser animals. This does suggest that Plants feel pain. http://ds9.botanik.uni-bonn.de/zellbio/AG-Baluska-Volkmann/plantneuro/neuroview.php http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/08/980806090010.htm…
  • I use miracle noodles. Rinse really well or sit them in water for a few minutes before draining and adding to your sauces. I eat them with Indian or Thai based sauces and it works for me. Yum.
  • as and advanced CPT my professional tip is free to you . You obviously expect me to give you references... I gave you a tip. Help yourself or keep destroying your seratonin levels. Not my problem. For all of you who want to use Keto as a fad diet but don't want to pay a certified medical or certified fitness nutrition…
  • Ca deficiency? Mg must always be taken with Ca! the only problem with too much Mg is that it's a natural laxitive, but not enough Ca with it will cause cramping.
  • you are doing fine. Just add some exercise for a deficit and be sure to start adding carbs in the last meal of the day by week 5.
  • after 8 weeks of vlc you can add 25 g carbs in the last meal of the day. This is key for hormones necessary to regulate the thyroid and nervous system. If you don't you will destroy your seratonin and dopamine levels - the hardest hormones to reproduce! Carbs are essential for them. No one can maintain 25g carbs a day for…
  • first of all, if you are in a calorie deficit you are in ketosis. Ketosis is nothing more than the scientific vocabulary word to say "burning body fat". So watch your calories. Changing up your macros can work, just be sure to monitor your energy levels when in anaerobic exercise mode. By 4 weeks of a low carb diet you…
  • bad idea: listening to a keto coach who is not qualified to give you advice, is not certified, is not licensed, is not educated, has no nutrition certs or education, didn't even pass high school, and yet claims that you can get lean like her if you eat a very low carb diet every day for the rest of your life. With no…
  • hdpe2 plastics and heat guns are my best pals. I create shapes from this thin plastic, then glue on craft foam ontop of the shapes to create depth. Then a few coats of acrylic paint. done.
  • thanks Barb, yeah I'm not there to slap a hand every time a client I'm working with makes a mistake. I'm there to motivate, educate, and make sure a client understands exactly how to safely perform an exercise as well as achieve goals for nutrition and fitness. Its not that hard to change your physique, but it sure as hell…
  • for me, itching happens when the area is vibrating or shaking alot and there is blood flow. Like jogging; that gets my fat pockets jiggling and they itch. Just motivates me more when in cutting phase!
  • over exercise, under fed = belly bulge
  • First of all, protein...you can never eat too much protein. It turns to chyme so don't let some vegan myth that it will clog your digestive tract hold you back from eating it. Protein is the top proven maronutrient for losing body fat. Second, weigh and measure your food Third, when you eat is more important than anything…
  • http://www.chicagonow.com/laws-exercise/2013/01/the-untrained-personal-trainer-10-ways-your-trainer-shows-hes-an-idiot-amongst-other-things/ no. 8.... what are her credentials and explainations? You can ask you know! You are paying for knowledge. she isn't like this too is she? run away if so.
  • AND THIS IS SO TRUE. BUT.... YOU need to determine your TDEE for your LEAN body mass. If you are 45% body fat that means take your body weight and multiply it by .55 to get your lean body mass weight. Then determine your TDEE calories based on this. Body fat is key to determining your goal calorie intake. If you are really…
  • what you eat and when you eat is more important than how much or how little you eat! F**K biggest loser. Get yourself to an endocrinologist and get an a good meal plan. - coach Teresa Advanced CPt
  • I am horrified. I know what she did to get there and it is an obvious disorder. http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/the-biggest-loser-winner-rachel-frederickson-dodges-too-skinny-questions-15881.php In her interview she clearly sees herself as an athlete! In her mind this was not about the game show it has turned into…
  • shame on you ninerbuff, how can you, a trainer, applaud such obvious OCD. You are to be educating the public and promoting health over weight loss. Yet you discuss the awful fact of rebounding, thus proving deep psychological problems behind this game show's contestants as well as props for someone applauding Rachel's…
  • http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/the-biggest-loser-winner-rachel-frederickson-dodges-too-skinny-questions-15881.php so in the interview she claims she won her triathalon (imagine burning 3 - 6 k calories in that alone!), and she would do 4 exercise classes a day, AND walk on a treadmill all day long (4 classes + walking…
  • I agree. Too extreme, but it is a game show and she won. with the lowest bmi to prove it.