

  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    on a side note, these threads inevitably always turn into an argument about sugar addiction ...

    if you carry around sugar packets in your pocket so that you can constantly get your "sugar high" then you might have an argument, but I fail to see anyone ever admit to doing that....

    or, if you just sit in your house and eat bowls of raw sugar you may have an argument as well, but I have personally never heard of anyone doing this..
    your views on addiction are twisted my friend. it is a looser definition than you think

    I agree that addiction can be looser, but can we get a clearer definition on being "addicted" to sugar. There are people who say that they are helpless against their urges towards sugar and comparasions made to cocaine which is why I think you get these type of analogies thrown out there.
    from websters;
    -compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful

    if you can apply this to it, then its addiction. i think its fair to say that some people go into withdrawal without sugar(getting cranky, less energy, some even get headaches) as well as people eating copious amounts despite knowing that its not healthy

    I have yet to see anyone suffer withdrawls from sugar similar to any of the ones listed above. And again, I have yet to see someone go to the extremes some people do for the above mentioned. I see addiction and withdrawls first hand on a regular basis. I'm not saying there aren't extreme cases involving food and sugar, but the majority of people claiming to have a "sugar" addiction does not fit with your above description.
    people definitely get cranky (not everyone, but some) without a sugar fix. i agree that most people who claim to have an sugar addiction actually dont and its just a lack of willpower issue, but see the below study that i posted earlier

    Animal models are useless when trying to prove something exists in humans. As far as dopamine and acetycholine release, eating protein releases those well. Yet I never hear anyone claiming to be hooked on protein. It only makes sense that reward pathways are involved when it comes to the most essential behaviors related to survival - food (of any kind) and sex.

    Also, you will note that what MOST people have trouble controlling their consumptions of is a combination of sugar and fat, not just pure sugar.

    Edited for grammar. Yikes.
    and if animal models are useless then why would people continue to use them in studies? just to *kitten* with rats?

    It's better than ****ing with humans. Less entertaining perhaps. But better.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member

    They're useful insofar as they are hypothesis generating, and can be used as a preliminary step to human trials.

    They cannot be used to draw direct conclusions about humans.
    i agree, but more often than not studies are unable to draw results directly from humans due to ethical reasons/more variables
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    They're useful insofar as they are hypothesis generating, and can be used as a preliminary step to human trials.

    They cannot be used to draw direct conclusions about humans.
    i agree, but more often than not studies are unable to draw results directly from humans due to ethical reasons/more variables

    That is actually a rare instance. And at any rate, is completely irrelevant to the discussion, because those studies did not even show that rats get addicted to sugar.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    on a side note, these threads inevitably always turn into an argument about sugar addiction ...

    if you carry around sugar packets in your pocket so that you can constantly get your "sugar high" then you might have an argument, but I fail to see anyone ever admit to doing that....

    or, if you just sit in your house and eat bowls of raw sugar you may have an argument as well, but I have personally never heard of anyone doing this..
    your views on addiction are twisted my friend. it is a looser definition than you think

    Sugar is not physically addicting. There is absolutely zero evidence that it is. Your arguments please?
    what would be your arguments against.
    ive already spent too much time on this one, look at my other posts

    I've already refuted them. I was hoping you had better ones.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Do you know what food has the highest concentration of fructose?


    The word fructose actually comes from the latin fructuse, which means fruit, combined with -ose which is the biochemical suffix for sugars. Would make a lot more sense if your picture was of an apple rather than of fruit loops since apples have about 6g of fructose for a 100g apple. Fruit loops has 12 grams of sucrose per serving and given that sucrose is 50 50 glucose and fructose that means it also has 6g of fructose per serving. So a serving of Fruit loops are about as "bad" for you as an apple in terms of fructose content. If that scares you you definitely shouldn't go near grapes, they have a lot more fructose in them than apples and holy crap don't even look at raisins.

    Anything that puts you at a caloric surplus "converts" to fat in that any fat that you uptake during that time will be stored as excess.

    As far as what your cells cannot digest actually your cells cannot digest a LOT of the food we eat, thats where the probiotic bacteria living in our gut come into play.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    This has been entertaining :flowerforyou:
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Everything in excess converts to fat. Or am I wrong. What's the controversy (rhetorical since I read the thread)?
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.

    So fruit is bad?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
    Fructose does damage to the body? Guess I should stop eating all that fruit then
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.

    You aren't good with science, are you?
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.

    You aren't good with science, are you?

    I'm actually extremely good with science. Its a significant part of how I make my living.

    Read the words carefully. Literally. Then scientifically debunk anything in that post.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.

    You aren't good with science, are you?

    I'm actually extremely good with science. Its a significant part of how I make my living.

    Read the words carefully. Literally. Then scientifically debunk anything in that post.

    So what is your stance on fruit?
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
    Fructose does damage to the body? Guess I should stop eating all that fruit then

    No, fruit is good for you. Keep eating it, as its a rather insignificant source of fructose, in terms of the average diet.

    Do some research specifically on the metabolic pathways through which glucose is processed in the body, the resulting compounds of these processes, and the effects those compounds have elsewhere.

    Don't choose ignorance.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
    Fructose does damage to the body? Guess I should stop eating all that fruit then

    No, fruit is good for you. Keep eating it, as its a rather insignificant source of fructose, in terms of the average diet.

    Do some research specifically on the metabolic pathways through which glucose is processed in the body, the resulting compounds of these processes, and the effects those compounds have elsewhere.

    Don't choose ignorance.
    Experts still have a long way to go to connect the dots between fructose and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Higher intakes of fructose are associated with these conditions, but clinical trials have yet to show that it causes them.

    The above is from the same article where the OP got her information.
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    *Spits out apple*

    oh my god what have I done?
    You're SOL...we will remember you fondly
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
    Fructose does damage to the body? Guess I should stop eating all that fruit then

    No, fruit is good for you. Keep eating it, as its a rather insignificant source of fructose, in terms of the average diet.

    Do some research specifically on the metabolic pathways through which glucose is processed in the body, the resulting compounds of these processes, and the effects those compounds have elsewhere.

    Don't choose ignorance.

    Fructose per 100g of fruit:
    Apples: 7.6
    Banana: 2.6
    Balckberries: 4.1
    Sweet cherries: 6.2
    Figs: 2.8
    Grapes: 7.6
    Honey: 42.2
    Kiwi: 4.3
    Mango: 2.9
    Pear: 6.4
    Raisins: 37.1
    Currants: 37.1

    So, how many grams can you eat before damage is done.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Jesus. These comments.

    The OP was talking about FRUCTOSE. Not generally about sugar.

    Fructose is a specific substance, not a synonym for the generality that is sugar. Sugar can be perfectly fine, while fructose can be bad.

    You see, people? You can eat sugar without eating fructose. You don't have to instantly go on about "SUGAR" when the OP SPECIFICALLY mentions......*FRUCTOSE*....which is a very specific type of sugar. Not sugar generally.

    This topic is about a specific substance: Fructose. Not the entire gigantic spectrum of substances known as sugars.

    None of this is about negating calories or the monitoring of them. The problem with fructose is the damage it does to the body, not that it has more or less calories in it.
    Fructose does damage to the body? Guess I should stop eating all that fruit then

    No, fruit is good for you. Keep eating it, as its a rather insignificant source of fructose, in terms of the average diet.

    Do some research specifically on the metabolic pathways through which glucose is processed in the body, the resulting compounds of these processes, and the effects those compounds have elsewhere.

    Don't choose ignorance.

    Fructose per 100g of fruit:
    Apples: 7.6
    Banana: 2.6
    Balckberries: 4.1
    Sweet cherries: 6.2
    Figs: 2.8
    Grapes: 7.6
    Honey: 42.2
    Kiwi: 4.3
    Mango: 2.9
    Pear: 6.4
    Raisins: 37.1
    Currants: 37.1

    So, how many grams can you eat before damage is done.

    Apparently Freelee should be fatally ill by now, but she seems fine.
  • rlynnehawk
    rlynnehawk Posts: 71 Member
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member


    so, honey nut cheerios and trader joes honey sesame seed nuts are out?