personal trainer pissed off!



  • SirDoctorofTARDIS
    SirDoctorofTARDIS Posts: 113 Member
    I have sympathy for you. I'm a certified athletic trainer (huge difference between personal trainer) and I have my patients who want to get back to sports after anything from an ankle sprain to ACL surgery. They wonder why they can't get back as fast as they want or other people have. I just look at them as say (paraphrased) "your dumbass didn't follow the rehab protocol. I didn't let the team down because you didn't get back when I said you would, YOU let the team down because you didn't work hard like you should."
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    You want clients who don't listen? Try being a criminal defense attorney.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

    Wow, I hope you never teach my child. It would break my heart to know that a teacher called my child a "little turd". Maybe you are in the wrong vocation.

    I was thinking the exact same thing. And I am an elementary teacher.

    I was actually trying to illustrate that EVERYONE feels frustrated with their jobs at time, b/c it often happens that people "don't listen to you" whether it be clients, students, co-workers, subordinates, etc. etc. etc. Since when did this get turned around on me? Maybe you people should take your frustration with me out at the gym...with a personal trainer maybe.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

    Wow, I hope you never teach my child. It would break my heart to know that a teacher called my child a "little turd". Maybe you are in the wrong vocation.

    Probably. Mine own kids are turds though...what can I say?

    Do teach my kids? Those little turds don't do anything I say...

    As for breaking your heart that your kid is a little turd... I blame it on parenting... or lack thereof...

    Haha...I think we must have the same type of kids. I'm not sure if it's parenting or guess is that my kids "got it honest."
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    I've got a PT. And I listen to him. We are doing sprint intervals at x speed for that long- boom done. I might be dying inside but that's what I pay the guy for-
    Design a plan and push me when necessary.
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    WOW! Teresa that was a vent... I would never hold you responsible for my failure... You have a great amount of knowledge and encourage your clients to educate themselves... You give comment sense advice... I don't pay you to stand next to me and yell at me to do the work or to remove the food from my face... that's not your job... you’re a good coach and I'm glad you're willing to put up with me... you can't fix stupid or rebellious… that other person is making a big mistake BIG HUG!
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

    Wow, I hope you never teach my child. It would break my heart to know that a teacher called my child a "little turd". Maybe you are in the wrong vocation.

    hate to break it to you but everyone who works in one of the "vocations" dealing with people often hate those people. Your teachers, your doctors, your veterinary surgeon, your police officer will spend most days thinking that everyone they have to deal with is a total w**nker. Its human nature
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Will you people who pay CPTs please make our life and your lives easier? DO WHAT YOUR TRAINER TELLS YOU TO DO.

    Really? So these people PAY you to have you call them names and rag on them? Let me reiterate THESE PEOPLE PAY YOU to train them. If they don't do what you want, their bad, the results are on them but if they want to waste their money there are easier ways than to pay you.

    They could blow it on the horses.
    He1l they can blow it on BLOW!
    They can build bonfires in the street with it.

    Instead, they choose to help support your whiny *kitten* so that you can hang around a gym all day with your superior attitude. WTF? Whatever happened to the customer is always right?


    Because after all, you're the only one who has to nut up, shut up, and take it, right?

    Edited for typos.
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Yeah...I get this. Try being an Elementary School teacher though...those little turds rarely do what you want them to!

    Wow, I hope you never teach my child. It would break my heart to know that a teacher called my child a "little turd". Maybe you are in the wrong vocation.

    I'm sure on occasion your child is a little turd though :)!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    As a certified Health Fitness Specialist I often have certain clients that frustrate me. But I have learned that there will be clients that will keep paying you, for session after session and not be willing ti change anything else. So I just do the best that I can, eventually they change their tune or they phase out. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. And I can talk until I'm blue in the face, but I can't follow you around and slap things out of your hand, or be with you every day to make you do the workouts on your own.

    I have found that for every client that frustrates me and makes me feel like I'm wasting my time and THEIR time and money I usually have two or three clients that really want to learn how to change and work hard and get their results. And that is what makes my job so rewarding.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    thanks Barb, yeah I'm not there to slap a hand every time a client I'm working with makes a mistake.

    I'm there to motivate, educate, and make sure a client understands exactly how to safely perform an exercise as well as achieve goals for nutrition and fitness. Its not that hard to change your physique, but it sure as hell hard to change lazy, and as in advance certified personal trainer there's no way I could ever change that.

    I don't want to be mean, I'm absolutely not that kind trainer. But those clients who expect me to constantly text message them, post on their Facebook pages, and call them up to make sure that they're following the plan they said they could follow, I can only work with those for about a month. especially when they complain within 2 weeks of how is just not working. Let's be real here, I have to tell them no you are not working.

    so this is a wake up call to all of you people out there who hire a personal trainer. There are trainers like me out there who refuse to do your job. If you cannot follow the paid plan that you purchased, no amount of miracle working is going to occur. Yes it is extremely difficult to diet and to be disciplined enough to exercise. In some cases changing the exercise mindset that you have is the worst and most excruciatingly painful thing you will ever perform in your entire life. But when I advocate my clients in the exercise science and nutrition of why they must change, the logic is there yet they still backslide. it is not the trainers responsibility to work a miracle everytime you backslide.

    For all you lame people out there too refuse to follow logic and exercise science, please do us a favor and just go to the local YMCA and don't ever hire a personal trainer. Cuz you just give personal trainers a tough time and a bad name.

    and yes, if you can't follow a six week plan at 100 percent I guess I'm a very condescending personal trainer. but I sure do give awesome results for those who can follow my plan which is so easy to do....
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Wow, the compassion and empathy you demonstrate toward your clients absolutely inspiring. It makes me want to run out and pay someone massive amounts of money so they can berate me and my personal struggles behind my back on a public forum. Kudos.
  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    you know what the best quality of the best PT I ever had was?


    She was the shiniest, brightest happiest girl. She knew some of us would fail, she knew some of us would get downtrodden and she knew some of us wouldn't follow instructions.

    She also knew we were only cheating ourselves but that at least a try was a step in the right direction and she could work with that.

    She viewed each try (even if not completely followed to the letter she outlined) was a seed in a pot that needed to be nurtured to flower.

    She never would have called us lame ....not to our faces and not behind our backs.

    she saw SO MUCH potential in every client she had and that pushed her to help them get better, healthier and achieve more.

    Optimism. You need it.

    You sound lame.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I've always been a teacher's pet type. When I first talked with my trainer, I told him how I would be his best student ever, and he said he was getting that sense from me. I've worked with him about a month now. He's told me how I take direction well, how "we're going to work so well together," and he loves my focus. I'm following his guidance as closely as possible. I sometimes fall short of his advised fat macro %, but I'm trying; and otherwise, I'm on plan! I figure I have to give it 100% in order to really be able to assess the effectiveness. He's been awesome, and I'm so happy to have found him in particular. (He's been working at my gym for at least 5 years--as long as I've been a member--and the PT manager from another location recommended him for what I want to do.)

    So not all people who use PTs are fat, lazy, or wasting their money. I love mine, and I think I'll be getting a fantastic Return on Investment!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    thanks Barb, yeah I'm not there to slap a hand every time a client I'm working with makes a mistake.

    I'm there to motivate, educate, and make sure a client understands exactly how to safely perform an exercise as well as achieve goals for nutrition and fitness. Its not that hard to change your physique, but it sure as hell hard to change lazy, and as in advance certified personal trainer there's no way I could ever change that.

    I don't want to be mean, I'm absolutely not that kind trainer. But those clients who expect me to constantly text message them, post on their Facebook pages, and call them up to make sure that they're following the plan they said they could follow, I can only work with those for about a month. especially when they complain within 2 weeks of how is just not working. Let's be real here, I have to tell them no you are not working.

    so this is a wake up call to all of you people out there who hire a personal trainer. There are trainers like me out there who refuse to do your job. If you cannot follow the paid plan that you purchased, no amount of miracle working is going to occur. Yes it is extremely difficult to diet and to be disciplined enough to exercise. In some cases changing the exercise mindset that you have is the worst and most excruciatingly painful thing you will ever perform in your entire life. But when I advocate my clients in the exercise science and nutrition of why they must change, the logic is there yet they still backslide. it is not the trainers responsibility to work a miracle everytime you backslide.

    For all you lame people out there too refuse to follow logic and exercise science, please do us a favor and just go to the local YMCA and don't ever hire a personal trainer. Cuz you just give personal trainers a tough time and a bad name.

    and yes, if you can't follow a six week plan at 100 percent I guess I'm a very condescending personal trainer. but I sure do give awesome results for those who can follow my plan which is so easy to do....

    That's what I would recommend people do too. Only because I did it, I lost a ton of weight, and I never had to pay anyone to tell me to run, lift, and eat right.

    I can't imagine paying someone for such simple information only to read about them slamming their clients online. The only reason you have a job is because people are willing to pay serious money for your support. If they had the motivation and discipline to do this on their own they wouldn't be paying you.

    Hopefully they wise up, save a bunch of money, and just start eating right and working out on their own.


    If I were so inclined, I could be treated like a brainless loser for free, I would not have to pay a buttload of money for it. Thankfully, I am not so inclined.

    I get a certified personal trainer once a month as part of my gym membership. I'm going to guess that the OP is not one of these as I have never been treated with anything other than the utmost respect. Maybe the OP should do an internship with any one of them - they could teach her many things, such as a better attitude towards those that PAY HER just so she can abuse them in a chat room.

    OP your job is to motivate your clients. For whatever reason, they seem to be coming back so whether they are following your plan to the letter or not (have you ever thought that YOUR plan may not fit perfectly into every client's lifestyle . . . hmmmmmm? Maybe they are doing the best they can within their limitations of schedule, etc.) you must be making some impact.

    You did make one statement with which we can both agree, ". . . I'm absolutely not that kind trainer. " No, you're not.

  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Some trainers just suck, some trainers can't motivate their way out of a paper bag, and some trainers have the people skills of a wet paper bag. Luckily there are people to match!

    Don't worry OP, you'll find the clients you're looking for. :flowerforyou:
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Yeah, gotta say you should probably look for another job. I'm in client service and I have plenty of clients that don't follow my advice. Some have wound up bankrupt for it. But I'm not going to wail and moan about it. I like serving and helping people and I get paid way more doing than I probably should. Either you like it or don't. But don't blame you clients - try a little self reflection which could lead to a self-awareness. It's what you are asking of your clients, after all, right?

    Oh, and I've been using the same certified PT for about 20 months. He helps me step up my routine when it's time and he let's me know when I am slacking and he calls me out when I am falling behind. But he does it in a way that makes me realize I need to step it up. He is not condescending at all. I've lost 40 pounds and almost 8 inches off my waist working with him. And you can tell he loves working with people.
  • Katey911
    Katey911 Posts: 80 Member
    For all you lame people out there too refuse to follow logic and exercise science, please do us a favor and just go to the local YMCA and don't ever hire a personal trainer. Cuz you just give personal trainers a tough time and a bad name.

    I go to the local YMCA. And I work with a personal trainer who's fantastic. She's supportive and pushes me out of my comfort zone, but not to the point where I'm a crying bloody mess. We're not Facebook friends, but she does check in on me sometimes after a particularly rough session. She's caring and knowledgeable and I'm so thankful she's not you.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    Some trainers just suck, some trainers can't motivate their way out of a paper bag, and some trainers have the people skills of a wet paper bag. Luckily there are people to match!

    Don't worry OP, you'll find the clients you're looking for. :flowerforyou:

    Or maybe you find the clients you deserve.