mommyfor3boys Member


  • yay! that is great!!
  • I cut up apples and put a sugar free jello mix on them and put them in the fridge to get nice and cold.. yummy!!
  • Good Job!! I think we all have days were we tend not to eat so well, it's part of life, but your changing your life and working out and eating well. Today is a new day, if you slip up it's okay the next meal make it healthier or go for a walk after. Your doing great so far :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I have had 3 ectopic pregnancies and 1 miscarriage ( that I also had to have d & c with) I know how hard it is. I got pregnant with my son (my youngest, we have 3 boys now) 3 months after my d & C, it was hard pregnancy (if you want more details I can send you a message, it's a long…
  • Hi, I'm also a mom well 2 of mine go to school during the day then I have a 1 year old home. I put him in the bouncer or in the high chair and i work out while he is eating lunch or snacks. I put him in the pack and play. I use my biggest loser dvd, and i also use the elliptical.
  • Hi, I'm also a mom well 2 of mine go to school during the day then I have a 1 year old home. I put him in the bouncer or in the high chair and i work out while he is eating lunch or snacks. I put him in the pack and play. I use my biggest loser dvd, and i also use the elliptical.
  • i was going to say the same thing with the whole wheat tortilla and beans, cheese and chicken ( I add green chilies to mine but i like spicy foods) and put it on the skillet only takes a few minutes for it to get done.. and SO good!! Add a salad and some veggies.. yummy!!
  • I was just talking to my chiropractor about this and he said I need to eat a big meal for breakfast, then smaller as the day goes on... I am such a snacker at night when hubby is gone and kids are in bed. I have to admit it has helped me not snack as much at night cause i am more full through out the day.
  • HI! I'm Sarah.. I have been on here for a while.. and have lost about 22 lbs so far, more to go but taking it one day at a time! Feel free to add me also if you want more support :) Hope your having a great day!!
  • yay! That is great!! It's such a great feeling putting on those smaller jeans! The other day I took a pair of jeans and grabbed my "old" size out of habit and just scared that If I grabbed smaller they wouldn't fit but it felt good that they were indeed too big for me and I got a smaller size. keep up the GREAT work.
  • Good Luck!!
  • Have you tried offering with a dip? Or for like meatloaf I grind up, almost anything and put it in there.... celery, carrots, green peppers, and things they don't even know its all blended together. My middle son is the same way.. I put green beans on his plate reguardless of if he will eat them or not I make him try them…
  • I would say it's muscles since that weighs more. I have lost inches but not weight recently.. so it's kind of making me upset cause I dont see the scale going down as much as I want.. I feel it in my waist line.
  • Yes, I had my son 10 months ago he was in the nicu for a longer than a month and after he came home I put on weight since I was just sitting and watching him and things. Now I am paying for it... I am still nursing him also. I know they say you should have what 2,000 calories when nursing I am doing 1500 and he is fine and…