

  • yep. Not healthy. But you people make me stress me out. haha!
  • I really want one now too... lol!
  • I didn't say it was. Some are here just trying to learn to eat healthier.
  • Yeah... exactly. Won't be posting here for a long time. So much for support without dealing with rude people. But thank you for your input. You were helpful.
  • And seriously people... let's drop the snickers crap. This is getting ridiculous. You know what I mean. No need to be rude. We all love snickers bars. But if they were so dang healthy... none of us would be on this site trying to lose weight or be healthier. There's something beneficial in everything we eat. Doesn't mean…
  • RUDE MUCH??? I'm not following that advice... I'm saying I'm not going to worry about the sugar from HEALTHY foods. Stay off my post if you can't be NICE!
  • Thank you everyone! I'm not going to worry about it so long as it's "healthy" and natural sugar I'm consuming... and not from a snickers bar haha!
  • I didn't intend on detoxing from them. But when you over eat those things, and then cut back on them... your body does go through a shock from it. And that's what happened to me. My body was too dependent on the energy from all the carbs & sugar. Now I feel really good. But it took a good week for my body to adjust. I…
  • haha! I love them too. But the scale doesn't. I haven't totally cut them out. But cut way back on them :)
  • I did... till I changed my eating habits. I'm starting to feel so much better & way more energized. Even cutting back on my coffee & creamer now :)
  • I'm so glad someone else posted about this. My stomach is HORRID from having 3 c's. Unbelievable what that does to your stomach :( You ladies inspire me! I don't feel so alone now in this journey.
    in Csection Comment by jenhill76 April 2015
  • It doesn't come on over night...and it doesn't come off over night either. Slow & steady is the best way to lose. Don't get discouraged. You're doing good!
  • Congrats! I'm on a 14 day streak & more determined then ever! I'm FINALLY in the right mind set to succeed this time!
  • What is TDEE?
  • Thankfully I lost all the pregnancy weight within 2 wks after my daughter was born. But I've got an extra 30 lbs I need to lose that's non-pregnancy related. I never gain much with my pregnancies. And I lose it all very quick...within 1 month with all 3 kids. It's the weight I gain since starting an office job in the last…
  • :happy: Yes, this has been hard. The 1st week was a killer! I seriously thought I was going to die from being so run down & tired. It's crazy how much sweets, carbs & sugar effect your body. Now that I've gotten thru the 1st 7-10 days, I feel great. My energy level has returned & I feel even better then before. The sugars…
  • Looks like there is a lot of us mommys needing to shed the baby weight! My oldest is son is 12, and my 2nd son is almost a year old now. With the encouragement of some real good friends, I just joined as well! Now lets get this weight off fellow mommys!