I'm baaackkkk!!

Well, I'm back again. And it feels so good! I had 2 babies in 26 months... lost all the baby weight no problems. But after I quit nursing my last one (13 months) the weight started creeping on slowly. 10 lbs in 18 months. She's now 2.5 yrs old. Time to focus on ME! I have had 3 sinus infections this year... and they just kept putting me on Prednisone & antibiotics. The steroids have never bothered me till this last round. For some reason I gained 5 lbs in a week! I said enough is enough... stopped taking it & got focused on losing that 5 lbs. Well that determination is is staying with me & I'm more focused & determined then ever to get more weight off! The 1st week was HELL on earth. Detoxing from bad sugars & carbs is NOT fun. But I got through it. I'm have sooooooooo much energy now! I'm meal planning... snack planning... and watching the scale move in a good direction! So any inspiration right now would be greatly appreciated! I'm so happy & on cloud 9 right now with this. Just very proud of myself for finally getting into the right state of mind to get the weight off!


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    What's so bad about sugars and carbs? I like sugars and carbs.
  • jenhill76
    jenhill76 Posts: 23
    haha! I love them too. But the scale doesn't. I haven't totally cut them out. But cut way back on them :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    jenhill76 wrote: »
    haha! I love them too. But the scale doesn't. I haven't totally cut them out. But cut way back on them :)

    The scale can't tell what you are eating just how much.

    No need to rid or detox from anything just stay in a deficit and the 5lbs from the meds was probably all water weight...it will go away too.

    and it doesn't sound like you need inspiration you seem to have that with preplanning etc.

    Good luck and don't give up the stuff you love...
  • jenhill76
    jenhill76 Posts: 23
    I didn't intend on detoxing from them. But when you over eat those things, and then cut back on them... your body does go through a shock from it. And that's what happened to me. My body was too dependent on the energy from all the carbs & sugar. Now I feel really good. But it took a good week for my body to adjust. I always have a cheat day where I get to indulge the things I miss & love. Like Ice cream & beer. haha! If I don't have a cheat day, I won't stick to this. Plus it gives me a day to look forward too and keeps me on the straight & narrow the rest of the days :)