Help me!!!

I can't seem to lose any more weight. I am on day 50 and i've only lost 7lbs. I cant seem to lose any more. This is very discouraging.


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    That's a pound a week. That's a great rate of loss! And is what's recommended for most people.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    That's awesome, jealous! Way to go!
  • jenn04w
    jenn04w Posts: 46 Member
    I feel like it's taking me so long to get out of the 160's.
  • jenhill76
    jenhill76 Posts: 23
    It doesn't come on over night...and it doesn't come off over night either. Slow & steady is the best way to lose. Don't get discouraged. You're doing good!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Unfortunately that's how weight loss is, it can feel like it's taking ages, but it's better to go slow than to go too fast and hurt yourself. What's your height & weight? Unless you've got a lot of weight to lose, 1lb/week is the recommended rate.
  • jenn04w
    jenn04w Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'1 at 163lbs, started at 169
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    According to your profile pic you started back in September, which is way more than 50 days. And you've lost way more than 7lbs too. I'm not understanding the question.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    jenn04w wrote: »
    I'm 5'1 at 163lbs, started at 169

    So you wanna lose about 40-50lbs to get into the healthy weight range, and with that much to lose 1lb/week is pretty much what you want to be aiming for.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    That's actually a great amount of weight for that time period. Please don't feel so discouraged
  • mbritten75
    mbritten75 Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    jenn04w wrote: »
    I can't seem to lose any more weight. I am on day 50 and i've only lost 7lbs. I cant seem to lose any more. This is very discouraging.

    Here is what I've learned in my journey (which regardless of what MFP says has been a roller coaster for quite a while).......I see what's on the scale, but I focus more on how I feel and how my clothes fit. I only weight myself every 4-6 weeks. You're doing GREAT!!!! Don't get discouraged!
  • caldernet
    caldernet Posts: 1 Member
    Assuming no serious health issues, if you religiously keep track of the calories you consume ensuring the total is <= your daily calorie target+exercise (making sure you subsequently exercise more and/or eat less to "buy back" any deficit) you must lose weight over time. If you remain a custom goal, reducing your daily calorie intake goal by 1%-5%. As everybody says, it's a long process which takes dedication and self-control. And even if you've been "a good girl", any given week can see a moderate increase in weight. If you lost 3 pounds on week one, 2 pounds week two, and then 0.4 pounds every week since, you're still on track. I have to do a lot of estimating of calories and exercise -- adjusting your daily calorie goal may take some of these errors into account. And note...packaged products typically contain up to 10% more than what's listed to ensure the consumer doesn't get less than what's promised...which could be significant if you eat a lot of packaged foods. (I also use the Wii Fit Pro (for the old Nintento) which can take my weight to the nearest tenth of a pound which I think is more accurate than my scale, and it's more "fun" to see my weight changing daily.)
  • jenn04w
    jenn04w Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks everyone