

  • I also drink a TON of water during the day. I usually start my day out with 20oz mug with some Metamucil in it. Then have a water bottle during my work out and usually one right after. I have to have a water bottle with me whenever I leave the house too, (scared to be stranded and thirsty I guess?). I have one with each…
    in Water? Comment by anneamaya July 2011
  • I love Turbo Jam, I have the disk that includes Cardio Party & Ab Jam (a friend gave it to me) and I havn't gotten sick of it yet. I try to do it at least 2-3x a week. It's a great work out, leaves you feeling totally great!
    in Turbo Jam Comment by anneamaya July 2011
  • WOW! I see a huge difference, to me I notice that your happiness is shining through your face which has shrunk in both size and in years. I don't see flab/loose skin, I see a good porportionate toned arm!
  • Thanks so much!! It's such a great feeling, even though I wish the numbers on the scale would move quicker- things like this confirm that I am on the right track! :)
  • Could you share the brand of this scale? Sounds like something I want to get!
  • No way you are 51, no way! Man, you must feel so excited to look in the mirror now :) ENJOY IT!! You look stunning!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • Maybe if you have lots of kids coming, you can give the bears away to the little ones! (It is what we are doing with our centerpieces, actually!!)
  • I think it's a cute idea as well, very reflective of the two of you and that is what is most important! The names for table numbers is adorable, we are using non-numbers as well! The only thing is... I'm sorry you're a Cubs fan! ;) White Sox Pride! (It's okay, my fiance is also a misguided Cubs fan!) The Knot girls also…