

  • When it is suggested to weigh once a week, there is a good reason for that. Your body fluids shift constantly to maintain homeostasis. What I find to be most important is to look for trends. For me, the downward trend is what I want, but have accepted some plateaus which drive me crazy.
  • I am a great believer in weighing your food, especially poultry, meat and fish. That way I can get a better idea of how much I can really eat. Now that most food is labeled with calories, it is easier than it used to be.
  • I love TJs and do almost all of my grocery shopping there. Except for fruits and veggies that I get at the Farmer's Market, I get just about everything else at Traders. I have been liking their wraps, their frozen talipia, and their fresh salsa. A hint from a friend--every time you go there, get something new and…
  • In place of a scale, find a piece of "barometer" clothing. Just make sure the fabric is something that doesn't stretch too much. Try it on once a week and when it starts to get loose on you it is a better feeling than seeing numbers on a scale.
    in Broke = Fat Comment by yogajan May 2011
  • I will not give advise to anyone else, but will tell you what worked for me. I have spent the last month studying my body, my eating and exercise habits and anything else that may be getting in the way of getting my weight to a healthy level. Because I also do considerable research on the weight topic, I keep reading about…
  • Excellent post with so much honesty. Thank you. I would like to add my .02 in a means of validating what you said. In my profession, I constantly read medical and scientific literature and have added weight loss to what I search everyday. I only look at peer reviewed articles in respected journals and not what someone…
  • Lots of good advise from posters here. I have a few more and want to emphasize some of the others. 1. forget the alcohol, drink sparkling water. Alcohol not only is empty calories, it make you more likely to overeat. 2. Most better restaurants are quite accommodating to dieters. Ask for salad dressing on the side, for fish…
  • I am new here, but not a novice when it comes to trying all types of weight loss plans. The one that has been most effective for me may work for you, since you are in grad school. Make a plan like you are doing a research project. Only this time you are the subject of the research and although you won't get university…
    in Broke = Fat Comment by yogajan May 2011
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