

  • You're not eating enough. 1,000 calories a day is potentially dangerous and means you won't lose any weight whatsoever. The chicken breasts and avocados/lentils are good choices but what are you snacking on throughout the day? You need to have your shakes, regular snacks and then a healthy and filling main meal. I started…
  • I think it depends on quantity and type! I know the new baby potatoes are lower GI than any other type of spud and if I have some when I'm really hungry I try to stick to around the 200-220g mark. Carbs and starches are NOT the enemy, especially if you're doing exercise, but it's all about moderation. If you feel yourself…
    in Potatos Comment by RCM888 March 2012
  • I think if you're way under every day then you risk damaging your metabolism, especially if it's way under the recommended 1200 AND you're doing exercise on top of that. If you have a big calorie number left over, snacking on some nuts and berries or avocado or some lean proteins are nice healthy ways of topping up. If MFP…
  • Me too! I started last week and am on 1200 cal p/d! Would be great to share food diaries with fellow foodies to get some tips!
  • My wedding dress!!
  • Sounds like your body has probably gone into starvation mode as you are WAY under a healthy calorie intake for the amount of exercise you're doing. Up your calorie intake (and do this with healthy calories like lean proteins and fruit and veg) and you will notice a big difference. You also need to have a consistent intake…
  • I log only when I've completed as otherwise I feel I would take short-cuts and maybe come off the stepper ten mins earlier than I should. If you can be completely honest with yourself then go for it but I need the discipline of logging only after I've done it. Different strokes I guess...
  • I weigh myself every morning naked after I pee, it keeps me totally focussed.
  • Hey there, I am a total foody and love cooking. I'm on 1200 cals a day and have never eaten so much! Friend me and feel free to look through my diary. Good luck on your journey!!