How are people losing every week?

I've been exercising solidly for 3 weeks now, 60 mins plus per day, 6 x per week (elliptical, free weights, squats, pull ups, push ups, swimming), plus extra bits like walking around the yard/ carying/ lifting things looking after my horse, and partaking in my fave pastime of drumming. I'm sticking to an average of 1200 calories a day eaten, (a few times it's gone up to 1500 and one day it was a little low at only 1000). I'm burning around 500 calories a day through exercise.

Week one i lost 1lb (technically week 2 as i hadn't started focusing on my diet the first week i exercised), just weight myself again today and I put ON 0.5lbs!! I have heard this could be due to muscle gain and it's best to go by measurements, now my measurements are strange. No change in waist or hips (the areas i really want to lose), but my thighs are a tiny bit smaller.

I was discouraged at first but trying not to let it get me down as I am starting to feel a lot fitter now which is great in itself. Would love to shift the lbs too though!

How the heck are people reporting losses of 2+ lbs a week? haha. It's common sense that you eat less you lose more weight so i'm not prepared to up my calories. Do I need more exercise? less? different foods? I think my food diary is open to the public if anyone wants to look and comment.


  • You aren't eating enough. You should have a NET calorie consumption of 1200 calories. You are burning 500/day which means your NET calorie consumption is around 700. Your body cannot afford to shed weight when it's only getting 700 calories per day. If you are burning 500/day, I would up your calories to "at least" 1500. You will see a big difference.
  • If you aren't prepared to up your calories, you need to stop burning so many calories. Math is Math. Your body cannot function on 700 calories/day so there's no way it's going to shed pounds.
  • I can't see how eating more will help as this week/ last week (mon - yesterday) i had a couple of slip ups and ate average 1500, one day eating 1700, and I have gained 0.5lbs. But the week before when i lost 1lb, i was very strict and didn't go over 1200.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Only the obese can get away with not eating back exercise cals, and that is only until there body gets closer to a healthy weight. You are very close to a healthy weight now. You really need to be eating more calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1) Your food diary is not set to public

    2) Without knowing more, I totally agree with dontletmeeat

    3) If you're not tracking sodium, start now. Water weight from high sodium and/or high activity and/or TOM can be killers on the scale.

    4) Take measurements
  • Also, isn't it a bit odd that my thighs are smaller, but my waist and hips are not? I thought thighs were the hardest part to get rid of weight from?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    By the way, why are you even losing weight? You are gorgeous!

    If you are at a healthy weight, you aren't going to lose much anyway without following an unhealthy regimen, which kind of sounds like you are trying to do.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Why won't you eat more? Think about much you are exercising, you are burning off a lot of calories. At that rate, you won't lose and possibly gain. Your body is hanging onto every calorie you eat and taking it from your muscle not fat. I know many people think, eat a lot less and lose a lot more, but that is not how our bodies are designed.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Chances are you are losing fat but water weight is masking it. Reduce sodium levels, drink more water.

    If you're as active as you say, you may not be eating enough. Your body could be freaking out trying to conserve energy. Check Steve's website below and adjust your calorie goal accordingly -
  • Thanks hunni :D I just want to get back to a size 8 like i was before i let weight creep up on me. Jeans look way better on size 8 bum haha!!

    My diary is now set to public i think? Have also added sodium to my things to track.
  • Wah, for an example - i am sitting here now contemplating the fact i need to eat dinner just to reach my calories for today. I'm already full! I ate granola with semi skimmed milk for breakfast, a bagel with tuna and spinach for lunch, and some peanuts and raisins as snacks. On reflection I probably shouldn't have granola and a bagel on the same day as they are both high calorie, which will then allow me to eat more and different foods. I also had a cheeky coffee (fresh). I drink a big container of water at the gym, but find it pretty hard to drink through the rest of the day. I average probably 3 - 4 glasses total. Need to up that.
  • RCM888
    RCM888 Posts: 10
    Sounds like your body has probably gone into starvation mode as you are WAY under a healthy calorie intake for the amount of exercise you're doing. Up your calorie intake (and do this with healthy calories like lean proteins and fruit and veg) and you will notice a big difference. You also need to have a consistent intake of carbs if your'e doing that amount of exercise so a bowl of porridge in the morning with some fruit would be a great addition. You're currently operating on 700 cals so your body is going to cling on to every calorie it can.
  • Does what you eat at what times have an effect? Like if I try and eat all my carby/ highest calorie stuff in the early part of the day then lower calorie things for the rest, would that be more efficient for my body? And do you think the water could really be causing an issue?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Thanks hunni :D I just want to get back to a size 8 like i was before i let weight creep up on me. Jeans look way better on size 8 bum haha!!

    My diary is now set to public i think? Have also added sodium to my things to track.

    Let me make these suggestions:

    1. Skip cardio... you don't have that much fat to lose and a lot of what you lose will be muscle.

    2. Strength train... you build more muscle which burns more calories than fat and your body will be more toned as it will require less space and you will slide right into those jeans.

    3. Eat at BMR... it is hard to build muscle at a calorie deficit. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs at rest so all the calories you burn past BMR is gravy.

    You'll fit in those jeans within 6 weeks guaranteed!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Does what you eat at what times have an effect? Like if I try and eat all my carby/ highest calorie stuff in the early part of the day then lower calorie things for the rest, would that be more efficient for my body? And do you think the water could really be causing an issue?

    It doesn't matter what you eat or when you eat it. Just make sure you get enough protein and you eat healthy carbs. Sodium can cause water retention, but it balances with potassium. If you are deficient on potassium, but have your sodium under control, you will retain water. Balance them out and you should be fine. Calcium and magnesium in a 1 to 3 ratio also helps with water retention.

    Now... I've pretty much told you EVERYTHING that I have learned about nutrition from using this site for the last year. LOL!
  • drhirams
    drhirams Posts: 11
    Hi all, a few things I have learned through coaching many people...

    1. To gain weight, you need to consume 3,500 calories everyday, which equals a pound.

    2. The human body is 61.8% water, that means, that your weight will always fluctuate, which is why many people weight themselves in the morning and then in the afternoon, and noticed a difference.

    3. Muscles will never weight more than fat... 1 pound of muscle =1 pound of fat. The only difference they take less space.

    4. It can take up to 60 days (medically researched) for the body to adjust to a pristine metabolism. Everyone is different, but you need to feed the body exactly what it needs to do so.

    5. After every workout, you need to feed your body, if you do not, the body goes into starvation. And when you starve, you retain, all the nutrients sometimes the body can transform them into fat.

    6. Hormones are crucial, if your hormones are out of balance, cortisol production, etc.. believe me it will not add up. I have coached people in amazing shape, yet because their hormones were out of aligned, they remained stagnant.

    7. Expecting fast results. You cannot stress about the scale, if you do, you will fail. Stress is the #1 weight oppressor, measure better how you are feeling, how is your attitude, how in balance you feel, blog or write about it. The more positive you are the faster the results...

    I have lost over 235 pounds... believe me this is a lifestyle change... Those are some suggestions... eat right, drink your water, balance yourself and you will get there!
  • 1. Skip cardio... you don't have that much fat to lose and a lot of what you lose will be muscle.

    2. Strength train... you build more muscle which burns more calories than fat and your body will be more toned as it will require less space and you will slide right into those jeans.

    I actually find the cardio stuff much easier to do and to be motivated about. I'm weird in that i like getting on the elliptical every day and seeing my calories count down. And swimming too which i think is cardio?

    I do strength train though already. I try to do different areas every day. My personal trainer has got me on something called TRX which is a freestanding frame with lots of straps you basically hang off/ on to do pull ups, sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges, shoulder presses etc. I'm using all the machines that work butt/ legs/ shoulders/ abs plus free weights.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    For your weight, age, and activity, which is Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week), your Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) with TDEE is appx 2389 calories per day (if you are around 5'6"ish). That being said, to lose 2 lbs per week on a 130 lb frame is a bit extreme, but it can be done with 1300-1389 calories per day without eating back exercise. That being said, you are not getting enough protien for someone as active as you. Try shooting for adding in an extra 30-40g of protein per day and see if that helps.
  • IamPZ
    IamPZ Posts: 3
    I agree with the one poster... you are smokin hot.

    Don't really see the need for you to lose weight, at least not from your picture. But as most are saying, if you're that close to your goal weight, it's super important to be consuming a good number of "net" calories.

    Healthy calories of course, don't go on a mcdonalds binge.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    The people who are losing multiple pounds a week are probably much bigger than you are!

    You look fantastic and you're doing everything right, so I wouldn't worry about it. It can be discouraging to see obese friends losing weight at a much rapid pace, but you have to keep in mind that you're a small woman who is not overweight. If I lose a pound a month I'm thrilled!