Wjolaughlin Member


  • Wow! I just completed the program! I tried to do it 2 years ago and only got to week 4 before giving up. This time I was determined to finish, once I got past week 5 it actually got fun! I look forward to going out to run! I still need to get faster, I'm only at about a 15 minute mile, so I'm going to start over and see if…
  • I've been on a family vacation at a waterpark :D So I didn't run every other day as usual. But I did go one evening to the fitness center and ran on a treadmil for the first time, it was Week 7 Day 2. I ran the whole thing and even continued on for another 15 minutes to finish running 3.1 miles!!! It was so easy on a…
  • You look great! So motivating!
  • you look terrific!
  • I've just started eating it. I really like it! I poke some holes in it, put it in an oven at 375F for about an hour. Let it cool about 30 minutes then cut in half, scoop out seeds and then use a fork to scrape out all the insides. I eat it with spaghetti sauce and some Parmesan cheese. simple but yummy!
  • Did week 7 day 2 yesterday :) Weather is taking a dive, cold and rainy. plus I'm leaving for vacation. I don't know if I'll get to run this coming week very much, I hope a week off doesn't set me back too far, I'm so close! :(. Hoping I can find some time or a location to leave the family for a bit to run!
  • Congratulations everyone! Especially those that got to week5 day 3 and did it! I know how good it feels to get that behind you! I feel like I can do anything now! I just completed week 6 day 3 yesterday and it was hard but felt great! I've come to realize that I don't run because I like to run, I run because I love the…
  • week 6 day 2 today. Outside. I'm still running a lot slower than I'd like (it is so hard to run against wind!), but I am running every minute I'm supposed to. Since I don't quite get the mileage in with my speed I keep walking the cool down until I get to the 3 miles.
  • Thanks for the info! I will check out Runners World. The reason I was thinking of doing the program over is because I really like using the app on my phone,the prompts telling me when to run, walk, cool down, etc. Perhaps there is another app that would help with the pace.
  • I am loving my Asics!
  • That's great! Congratulations!!
  • I just did w6d1. I thought it would be a breeze after running the 20 minutes straight in my last run. That first 5 minute run felt like a killer. It doesn't help that my first 10 minutes is all up a slight incline. I keep thinking I should drive myself up the hill out of my subdivision, park, and then run! But It does make…
  • I have been using http://c25kfree.com/ It's the best free app I've found so far, I have it on my iPhone. I also use a Nike app at the same time that tracks my distance, pace, and route on the GPS. I am able to listen to my own music and I hear the cues just fine. I will be on week 6 tomorrow :D
  • today is a rest day for me, but I just found this group :) I ran week 5 day 3 yesterday. I was scared I wouldn't be able to run 20 minutes but I did it! I kept telling myself "when I get to that mailbox I can walk for a little while", then when I'd get there I'd say "OK, now to that tree ahead". LOL! I never walked!
  • Congratulations!!! I will start week 6 tomorrow! It is so empowering! I've never been a runner but am loving this program! Could not believe I actually ran for 20 minutes without stopping yesterday! In the beginning I could not finish 90 seconds!
  • Thanks! I understand that these numbers won't always be accurate. I always under report the minutes I've worked out to try to compensate for that. One day I'll get a heart rate monitor.
  • found "strength training" in the cardio section. I just added that to my log. Is that right?
  • Thanks! I started a fitness plan about 2 years ago and lost 20lbs. I'd never had a weight problem before I hit my late 30s. Then after about a year after I lost weight I got bronchitis that I couldn't seem to get rid of and then the holidays hit, I totally l gave up. I've gained it all back and more. I am 42 and I want to…