Hi! New to forum!

Hi I'm new to the forum! though I joined quite a while ago I am just now beginning to use the site, helps that I finally got a phone that I put the app on! I hope to meet some of you and celebrate your successes!


  • mikel_antilles
    mikel_antilles Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome back! So, what are your goals?
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    You've chosen a fab site I love this site, I have found some amazing people who support me and hopefully support them welcome
  • sandytagain
    Hi there.

    I've been following this site for a few months and it helps but you have to stay committed!! I am trying not to eat so much processed foods..more fresh veggies and fruit. I find that saving my Greek yogurt for a nighttime snack is cool...I like to take 2 graham crackers and spread the yogurt on it and eat the rest with some blueberries. Nice and filling...like I ate an ice-cream sandwich..low fat and calories too. Nice treat, for winter and summer :) I get the low-fat graham crackers. I am boosting my water intake too. That helps. You just have to keep telling yourself that your clothes are going to fit looser and you are going to feel so much better. I know I feel better with just a 5 pound loss...imagine what a 50 pound loss would do?? My goal is to be 50 pounds thinner by Sept 1st....and I will need to lose about 40 more from there but it's a great start :)
  • Wjolaughlin
    Wjolaughlin Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! I started a fitness plan about 2 years ago and lost 20lbs. I'd never had a weight problem before I hit my late 30s. Then after about a year after I lost weight I got bronchitis that I couldn't seem to get rid of and then the holidays hit, I totally l gave up. I've gained it all back and more. I am 42 and I want to lose a total of about 30lbs give or take as long as the inches around my middle is gone and I've toned all my muscles. I plan to run a 5K with my 10 year old daughter in May with her "Girls On The Run" group. So that opened my eyes to how much I've fallen into old habits and need to get fit again!

    I plan to build some endurance with some workout DVDs at home and once most of our snow melts and the weather warms up a bit I plan to start Couch 2 5K. I did it once so I know I can do it again.; The cold air causes me to cough too much so I need to wait til it warms up.