

  • I have not done the C25k program, but I have read it and I have done some long distance running myself in the past. I would try backing off the speed in order to build the endurance. I also found that with running, that 'wall' is more in your mind than your legs/lungs. You can push through it quite easily if you make your…
  • That is the one that I found and was telling you about yesterday.
  • I respect the program, I just knew that you had the ability to do more than the average starter (ie couch)...you did fantastic and soreness is to be expected. You just don't give yourself enough credit.
  • Well that is good that I am not the only one that experiences peak performance in the heat! I think you could be onto something there about it being the fact the muscles have little need to be 'warmed up' when it is already 30+ degrees.
  • Thanks for the advice. @mdhaymes I don't mind slowing down my weight loss or even gaining some as long as it is in the right places!
  • Tony Horton (the P90x founder) released a '10 minute trainer' DVD program. I don't know how good that one is specifically, but his other stuff is highly rated, so I don't see why this one wouldn't work as well.
  • Anyone have a number I should be aiming for? If this helps, I currently do my Bowflex training 3 times a week (non consecutive days) doing the '6 week Weight Loss Program' consisting of the following exercises (1 set each, max weight for 8-12 reps) Leg Curl Leg Extension Bench Press Bicep Curl Shoulder Press Ab Crunch Also…
  • Thanks all for your advice. Does anyone have an idea of what my protein intake target should be? Right now my typical day I am hitting about 70-90g per day (over what MFP currently recommends...but I wasn't too worried about that).
  • Thanks so much for all the responses! I have looked at this and about half of my sugars are from my cereals/milks, but about half come from fruits/veggies/yogurts. Does this mean I am getting the wrong ones?