

  • Family.. no matter what you do you will be judged... measured and found wanting... You can choose your friends but are stuck with family... shake it off (easier said than done) and do what YOU know to be best for YOU...
  • Water Water Water... ESPECIALLY if you are overdoing the sodium... I cut back my water intake (got tired of going so often) to roughly 12 cups a day ( I was at 24 cups a day... never left the john :) ) But if I have say a lunch (chinese food.. killer in the sodium) high in sodium, increase the water intake... and go do…
  • Just made this... boy did it hit the spot! And unfortunately for me, my kids love it too!! I wasn't paying attention to the box close enough for the chocolate pudding... was so bent on the fat free/sugar free I failed to see "cook and serve" so it didn't "set" at all... woot for freezers... Can make a LOT of filling for…
  • Wow!! Going to the store for ingredients RIGHT NOW!!! :)
  • One can ALWAYS make time if the WANT to!!! That is key... the excuse of "I have no time" translated properly means "I don't WANT to." :) Ya have to want it! That said there are days where the clock is my enemy... normal schedule gets all skewed... sometimes there just are days like that... but there are little things one…
  • My scale seems stuck... but I realized I am building up muscle... so while I sit at 237... the flab is getting replaced by muscle... but I agree with other respondents... watch the sodium and drink a LOT of water (I drink on average 24 cups a day!!) Just keep at it... you'll get there!! :)
  • All my years of not caring what went into my body... at 45... I was living like an elderly retired person... When certain every day activities we need to do started getting me out of breath... I looked in the mirror (face all read... breathing heavy) I for the first time SAW what I look like... I mean I see myself in the…