

  • [quote="arditarose;31402023" There is a frozen yogurt I get called Stonyfield. The chocolate has 400 calories in the whole pint. Sometimes I can eat the whole thing, sometimes only 300...but still, that's 3/4 of a pint. I have one waiting for me tonight. I will probably eat the whole thing and eat at maintenance today.…
  • definitely plan to try and do that in the future, to head off anything but I'm not sure I could round up anybody this late in the evening
  • I will look it up. lol unfortunately my kryptonite will put me way beyond my calorie goals now I don't wanna waste this mistake on something that I could prevent.
  • Not sure what there is to make. Most baking is out because no one drinks milk but me, so none is in the house. Chocolate bar didn't help.
  • I have tried the ignore thing, ended badly... but I can just feel it deep in my stomach that I "need" it, I can't get it out of my head, even after having a piece of dark chocolate. If I walk into that freezer section without knowing what sort of alternative I am looking for, I tend to mentally shut off that smart part of…
  • No, but walking into a store without a game plan on what to buy is not a great idea for sucess either when hit with a craving. Thanks for the ideas, and feel free to keep them coming. I know it us the fat content that really is stuck in my head, and not sure those other ideas will satisfy, but I am definately going to try…
  • Chlorophyll diet? Lol. We use chlorophyll in dogs to help mask the scent of a female in heat.... and you can tell which one is taking it even if you didn't give it to them because they always had stained green lips and had that funky asparagus type smell to them... No thank you, I would rather die a few years early then…
  • 1700-2200 is a large range. It also is right around where your estimated maintenance number of calories is. Calories in =calories out=no weight change. You either need to move your range down (and make it narrower) or exercise a LOT more then you do now. Another pitfall is most people underestimate the calories they eat,…
  • I can absoultely relate to not taking them running until their growth plates close! We actually had x-rays done to make sure my female's were closed before we starting asking her to jump over obstacles and doing runs longer then a mile. And I can totally relate to the cross crossing and stopping too. My 7 month old male…
  • Nearly anything can be preportioned out to be 100 calories. Easy common ones Pretzels, yogurts, fozen hot chocolate/other flavor for something ice creamy, or any sort of gorp mix. The question is, what ARE you craving?
  • Background actor in comercials
  • Aww. Figured out if you save &log it messes up. You need to save it. Go back to your diary, and add it from there. Then it works fine.
  • Me too! It was only two ingrediants, and it seemed to have left out the first one.
  • Lol. You must be seeing my fiance! Even I tease him about his same outfit EVERY day. (He has multiples so they are clean).... but he says they are comfy, so why change it
  • Start with a small green salad topped with olive oil and lemon. Main course: grilled chicken with lots of seasoning, braised collard greens (if you can work in a 1/2 slice of bacon for calorie count, the taste will be anything but boring). Finish with a small fruit "ice cream" (no cream, no added sugar, basicly softly…
  • We only have one changing room/single stall bathroom, but it has a curtain divider in the corner so if your stripping down to change you can head to that corner for a bit more privacy. It is such a small gym though that there is never more then 10 people there at the BUSIEST time.
  • My aunt bought her hubby a new, personalized Olympic bar to use. Not really something he HAD to have, but he loved it.
  • Awesome. That definately fits what I was looking for. And with only 5 moves to worry about I can focus on proper form better.
  • Feel free to add me! I work 6pm-6am 5 days a week. Days off are definately a struggle. I found that waiting to go shopping, meal planning and prepping are best left to my last day off. That way if the snacks for work for next week arent in the house, I am not as tempted.
  • Definately following! I work 12 hour days 5 days a week plus a 40 minute commute both ways too, so I understand. The one salvation I have found IS my dogs. Instead of just walking them, I try and "run." I started using th couch to 5k program to really push myself to keep up a minimum activity level, dispite being tired as…
  • Thanks for the quick reply and a great simple break down. It definitely helps me define where and what changes to current meals are important to help him.
  • If you have animals, the protein is likely suitable for use in their food as added protein. In particular I am thinking about something like backyard chickens, who have better quality eggs and will put on more meat when given protein supplement. (although human protein powder would be pretty novel way to add protein.)