Please explain a "cutting" diet

I cook the meals for my boyfriend and myself. He does very good about suggestions to make meals better and provides great feedback When he was bulking and building muscle, I had no issue preparing foods that were still healthy and able to meet his needs for protein and calories and still healthy for me in small qualities as I am only currently focused on shedding pounds. (I do plan to work on more balanced strengthen muscles/lose fat, but at my current weight I will do better to get just about any weight of my frame to ease the strain.)

Now he was talking about wanting to focus more on cutting and losing some fat to make his muscles more pronounced. although I understand the general idea, I would love if anyone has advice or information about what are general guidelines to lose the fat and yet still maintain the muscle and energy for what is necessary at the gym. He isn't preparing for a competition or anything serious at the moment, and I know he will help with suggestions, but I am sort of lost to start with.

In short, what is the difference between cutting and bulking?
does the need for protein decrease, and if so, roughly how much?
Or is it essentially the same food and cooking, but only in smaller quantities?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Cutting = losing weight = eating less calories than you burn every day

    Bulking = gaining weight = eating more calories than you burn every day

    In order to most effectively lose fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible you have to do 3 things: 1. You have to eat a moderate calorie deficit that is not too aggressive (20% or less below TDEE is used by most). 2. You have to eat enough protein to provide a sufficient amino acid availability in your blood stream for muscle synthesis. 3. You have to lift heavy and focus on a hypertrophy based lifting program that utilizes progressive overload.
  • sswanl
    sswanl Posts: 30
    Thanks for the quick reply and a great simple break down. It definitely helps me define where and what changes to current meals are important to help him.