gidgeclev Member


  • People are so negative... you have lost weight and you feel good about that and it is therefore working. Don't take any notice of others who say all that rubbish about hair falling out and you will feel ill etc. Being seriously overweight makes you feel crap too. Some people ( myself included) find it incredibly difficult…
  • I live in a village in Kent .. we have a village running club which caters for everyone from power walkers to people training for half marathons. We are all shapes and sizes and no one cares how slow you are or how big you are. This was started by one man who did what you are doing and ran at night because he was so…
  • One emergency C section 22 years ago and the overhang has never gone away no matter what weight I've been. just have to live with it.
  • I look at your photo and see a really good looking bloke. Everyone has already said all those motivational things but I would say go and join a slimmimg group somewhere - not necessarily for their diet plan but for the motivational support and for friendship. It will be mostly women... they will not be judging you for…
  • dance a lot! It's impossible to count calories at festivals! Or take a supply of low cal protein based shakes that you mix with water and don't drink alcohol. I prefer the dancing solution!
  • I thought the pizza dough mix as a substitute for pastry was inspired, I wonder if it would work for fruit pies too. Not that I eat pies regularly but I do like to do a traditional pudding on a Sunday when my men are at home and they love an apple or rhubarb pie.
  • 1.5 is good, wait another week before you change anything. Extra exercise can cause you to retain water in your muscles. If it stalls completely for 2 weeks and you are not cheating(!) then that is the time to reassess your diet. Don't panic, just go back to what you were doing in the previous 2 weeks.
  • 21 years later and down to within the 'normal' weight range and I still have a C sectin overhang. But I don't care anymore.
  • I'm 53, 5 foot 4inches tall and currently weigh 10st 2 and am a size 12/14 on top and 10/12 on the bottom. I was 13stone before I started this 3 year weightloss journey. I wouldn't mind being 9 stone something but I'm pretty much where I want to be. Some people on this thread seem to be aiming a bit low for their height.
  • You have had a C section and it is quite possible that you have scar tissue adhesions that are sticking your bladder to the abdominal wall. It's very common and I have them too. It means that your bladder can't expand to the same capacity as it used to. I rarely get through the night without getting up for a pee.
  • And the americans on here don't have Lighter Life so are unaware of the whole programme and what it actually entails. It is not just a VLCD and many people have huge success and maintain in a way that no other programme manges to do. There is lifelong support if you go through the 'route to management' part and a…
    in VLCD Comment by gidgeclev May 2012
  • Take absolutely no notice of all the doubters on here. I have been doing Lighter life light and am now maintaining. The counselling sessions are second to none and have given me an insight into why I overeat where nothing had done that before. It is a long haul towards have a healthy attitude to food and controlling your…
    in VLCD Comment by gidgeclev May 2012
  • It's really hard to lose weight at this stage of your life, I found that I really had to watch the carbs. Try limiting carbs to under 80g a day and see if it helps. Don't want to depress you but I couldn't lose weight until the menopause was well and truly over and I was off HRT for 5 years. Got there in the end though but…
  • Nobody criticises opera singers belting out a bit of Wagner for being overweight, leave Adele alone, music is indeed for the ears and her weight is her concern not anybody elses.
  • "minnie ripperton, whitney houston, chaka khan back in the 70's, mariah carey, etc there have been many thin women with powerful voices ". No, these are women with warbly soprano voices, enhanced by technology. Not women who can open their mouth and produce a sound that can be heard in a crowded pub with no microphone.…
  • If she was a skinny bird, and always had been, she would not have that amazing voice. Don't ask me why bigger women have powerful voices, I can't answer that one. And yes I'm sure there are also exceptions to the rule.
  • It will all change after the menopause, then you will lose on your legs first before it goes off your belly, it's all to do with the hormones. I've lost 43lbs and dropped 3 sizes in trousers. The other half remarked that my *kitten* had disappeared. I think he meant it nicely.
  • I think that a similar technique is used for obsessive type behaviour which involves tapping your collarbone. Same idea, it distracts your mind away from repeating the pattern. Did you work out the elastic band thing yourself or was this part of therapy? It's a good idea and probably a bit more discrete than randomly…
  • don't worry about it.... who's going to be looking at you naked? Your beloved one and your doctor. Your beloved one shouldn't care and should be proud of you for losing that weight and your doctor has seen it all before. Even with loose skin you're going to look and feel fantastic in your new smaller clothes.
  • Just walked along the Thames path in my lunch break...lovely... makes me so much happier when the sun shines and hopefully more motivated to lose that last half stone.
  • Eat yogurt but not the additions to yoghurt. It is very easy to make your own plain probiotic yogurt, no preservatives, no added sugar and very good for you. You can use skimmed or semi skimmed UHT milk. Look it up on the internet - there are lots of instructions.
  • Yes it does work if you are very overweight but not for the average person who might want to lose a couple of stone. It is OK at first but everyone seemed to reach a plateau that they couldn't break and were not near their reasonable target weight. I just could not get down from the overweight to the normal weight catagory…
  • I too had problems with the new pro points, I think WW has seriously lost it's way for the average dieter in an attempt to gain NHS recognition and funding for the morbidly obese. I have had huge success with Lighter Life Lite and am now maintaining successfully. I find that LL is a more ethical organisation and does…
  • I get up early and commute to work. I do not have time or the inclination to eat before I leave home so I take breakfast to work and eat it when my body tells me to which is generally around 9am. By this time I will have been awake for over 4 hours. I have been having soya protein based meal replacements for a while but…
  • No you are not the only person who does this. I try to think of things that I need to do as soon as I get home so that I don't binge. I then walk through the door with a plan in my head that will be something like, feed the cats, get changed, prepare the dinner, while it cooks put the washing away, do the ironing, clean…
  • You are an optimist in half full rather than half empty!
  • Loads, I like to imagine them all piled up in the supermarket. Picturing weight loss in butter is a good way to motivate yourself when you think you have 'only' lost half a pound.
  • I can't understand why anyone would want to lose weight and then have implants. being slim means being slim all over including the chest. It is not natural to be so slim that you can feel your ribs and have a DD cup. A friend of mine who was petite and slim decided that she was not happy with her flat chest and had…
  • But they are really funny aren't they? So serious and spouting loads of rubbish. I get the impression that they all work out like mad so that they can stuff themselves with crap food and woe betide anyone who dares to challenge the wisdom of eating less than 1200 calories a day if weight loss has stalled.
  • Not sure I would really want to live a Paleolithic lifestyle! Bring on the flint tools though, I like a bit of flint knapping.