kellyscomeback Member


  • Yes, there's an initial sign up fee of $39.95 (waived if you buy a Challenge Pack) and a monthly fee of $15.95 to cover 3 websites they create and maintain for you. To have an active status you need to buy at least $50 worth of product a month, but most people choose Shakeology which under $120 a month (before tax) after…
  • That's not enough to maintain. You are gaining weight because your body is in a starvation type mode, it doesn't know when the next big meal is going to come so it's holding on to every it's got to survive. I'm 5'5" 158 and I eat 1800 calories a day and lose 1 lbs a week. When I was 230 lbs I was eating 2200 calories a day…
  • I think it's going to be a true game changer! It's only $60 for just program, $140 if you add Shakeology making the program practically FREE! I have a few folks lined up for a Test Group and I can't wait to see their results! It comes out February 3rd to Team Beachbody Coaches and their customers, then to the public on…
  • I started with NROLFW and abandoned it for Body Beast after 6 weeks. If you have a gym with lots of equipment and time, go for NROLFW. I don't have that, but I have adjustable weights so I opt'ed for Body Beast and love it!
  • I think it's a great place for a beginner. If it's in your budget, close by and appeals to you, sign up! As others have pointed out, if you get serious about weight training you will have to find another gym because most do not accommodate people who are truly serious about strength training.
  • The healthiest 0 calorie food is water. All you are eating are artificial ingredients and chemicals created to make a normal, possibly healthy, food have zero calories. I see these in my grocery store, mayo, peanut butter, jam, etc. and there's nothing that resembles a real food on the ingredient label. If it doesn't have…
  • You can check out the pictures in my profile. I lost 80 lbs doing 2 rounds on TF.
  • The key for me, to feeling full is to not think about food. If I'm around it, I will think about it, become hungry and eat. If I'm out, active and away from food I can go hours without feeling hungry. Drinking lots of water helps too. Putting myself on an eating schedule when I started was key too. I would eat every 3…
  • I did it after 3 m/c early in the first trimester. Take as much time as you need to phyiscally and emotionally heal. Then set a goal of where you would like to be in X amount of time. For me, it was being in a size 16 in 3 months, losing 8 lbs the next month, etc. until I was 152 and found myself pregnant. Feel free to add…
  • If you are worried you can always do a hybrid of P90X & Insanity (I'm on wk 3 right now), my weight hasn't changed but I'm down a pant size so no complaints. I'm also doing this combined with Leangains, 16/8 and working out fasted. Focus T25 is a great program too. I'm not sure of the weight part as I haven't tried that…
  • So who ordered T25 this morning?
  • OK, here are the prices: Launch - Monday Challenge Pack (Shakeology, Program + Club Membership) - $180, $205 after July 31st Program itself - $120 ($90 for coaches) Feel free to message me for more info. Like I said, I did a cardio program in May and it was AWESOME!
  • It will be released during the Beachbody Summit, June 22! Are you excited?
  • I'm Kelly, I'm a SAHM to 2 kiddos, DD who's 3 and DS who's 8m. A year after having DD I was about 240lbs and hit rock bottom. Here's a quick video on my story (there is audio!):
  • It was intense but effective! You go for the entire 25 minutes, a few moves can be seen as a "break" but it's go-go-go! A few coaches and their guests were able to preview it at a regional event in Sacramento and I wasn't going to miss that opportunity! Would you like me to keep you updated on release info?
  • It was offered to a few Beachbody Coaches at our quarterly meeting. It was fun, this will be a hit! And it's only 5 days a week!
  • The key to making TF intense is to get deep in the moves (low lunges with the step forward/side moves), jump with the Hi-Lo's and Star Jacks tuck squats, quick jabs and give 120% with the HIITs. I've done TF twice and Insanity once, nothing compares to Insanity. But If you follow Chalene and get into the moves you can get…
  • I've lost all of my weight with BB products, no complaints! Currently doing P90X, no issues other than being sore :)
  • I started with Meal Replacement Shakes twice a day for 3 months and with exercise I lost 30 lbs. I dropped the shakes and picked up the intensity of my workouts with TurboFire and lost a total of 80 lbs in 7 months. Has a baby in Aug 2012 and picked up right were I left off with Insanity and now P90X.
  • Don't be jealous, use it to help push you toward your goals. I wanted to be out of the 150s by the end of 2012, and even when the scale said 152 I didn't quit. I used ti to push myself harder with my workouts and eat better. I am dead set on hitting my goals and I use bumps in the road to remind me that I am human and that…
  • I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women, I recommend that series and author. I'm going heavy weights and low reps 3 nights a week. Pick up New Rules of Lifting, you won't regret it!
  • Nay - I've tried 2 different brands and didn't really notice anything spectacular. Adding more healthy fats like nuts into my diet helped a hell of a lot more than the fat burners.
  • Muscle does not weight more tha fat, a pound is a pound. A pound of apples weighs the same as a pound of cotton balls. Muscle does take up less room compared to fat. Claire00175, you are retaining water in your muscles, which is completely normal. When you start working out for the first time, or start a new program your…
  • I'm going to rain on your parade, it's not healthy for a woman to be under 20% BF. Women naturally carry more fat because of our ability to have children. If you go below 21% you are considered Under Fat and that's not healthy: Aim for 25%. Lift heavy & eat clean.…
  • Sounds good to me.
  • DItto. I was going to add cardio into St 1 but didn't after reading chapter 12. Don't worry, Cardio comes into play in St 2.
  • 1 - You will see more results in the 2nd month. The first month is just to prep you for the 2nd month. I lost most of my inches and body fat in the last 2 weeks. 2 - You need to eat more, 1500 calories at a minimum! If you add more exercises you need to take in more calories. Here's a helpful link to determine how much you…
  • Purely curious but how did you know it was fat and not water retention (a pound is a pound, but 1 lbs of muscle takes up less room than 1 lb of fat)?
  • The gym is the best place for looky loos. Everyone checks out everyone else, it just happens (I've done it) but most people will not judge you in the ways that you think they are. Personally, I check out more of what people are wearing or the conversations they are having on the treadmill while "working out" then anything…