I jogged with my daughter in a jogger until she was 3.5, then she rode her bike. My 20 mo old son still goes in the jogger and DD rides her bike. Do not run wth a regular stroller. Not enough shock support for the kiddos. Plus, it will ruin the stroller wheels.
Im running my first on Sunday!
I am a mom of two (5.5 and 19 mo) and I am currently a sahm. I will go back to work in the fall though and am hoping for part time. As of now, I joined a gym to take advantage of their childcare room. It got too hard to do my workouts during nap time or after they went to bed. I go roughly 5 times a week. WHen it's nice…
Im training for my first, March 17th. It is one of the most challenging courses around here (I didn't know that!), so I am quite nervous. Im doing 2 shorter runs during the week, 2-3 spin classes, and one long run on the weekend. Im doing my first 8 on Saturday. Feel free to add me!
Im doing hal hidgons novice 2, but only running 3 times a week to allow for more cross and strength.
I agree, i would try to get outside. My first half is on March 17th in IL. Its cold! I ran 4 miles on Tuesday in 9 degree weather and was fine after the first half mile. Dress appopriately and hit the road!
Im almost done with then push month. I only do clx 2-3 times a week as i run the other 2-3. I love the program so far though!
Thanks everybody! I thought it should be moderate, but wasn't sure if I should under estimate
Only eat back exercise cals if your NET is below your bmr.
Obviously you know eqch person burns differently, here are my stats for my last plyo one-384. I am 32, 5'7, 139 and am almost done with month 1. Definitely get an hrm when you can afford it. I love mine!
Get a BOB if you are going to truly jog with it. I have a city mini for walks and the store. You cannot run with it. I have a phil and teds sport to jog with, but I hadnt gotten it on clearance, I would have gotten a BOB revolution. Congrats on your huge weight loss! Remember you cannot jog with the baby until they are…
I am usually only sore on day 1 & 2 of each level.