

  • BodyJam is dance - like a Zumba class.
  • A Les Mills rep was just at my fitness center earlier this week. This is from their boards: BodyPump - up to 560 calories BodyCombat - up to 545 BodyBalance/BodyFlow - up to 340 RPM - up to 620 BodyAttack - up to 730 BodyStep - up to 620 BodyVive - up to 420 BodyJam - up to 530 Sh'Bam - up to 400 CX30 - up to 250
  • I've been to bodypump before - I never knew sore until I took that class! I need to go back. Thanks for all the tips, everyone! I'm going to adjust my workouts now..
  • I highly recommend Kashi Go Lean Crunchy Bars (my fav is chocolate peanut). I have one everyday at 3:00 pm to keep the munchies away. It keeps me going through my workout right after work and when I get home I don't want to eat everything in sight! They are 180 calories so you would have to fit that into your daily calorie…
  • what is the better way to phrase this then? That while you are losing weight/fat you are becoming more muscular than you were before so the change in the scale isn't as much as you expect it to be? We might as well learn how to phrase it so we don't get yelled at all the time!
  • I'm starting to think it's because I need a hobby, lol! I am trying to spend more time away from my kitchen...it dosen't help when your kitchen and living room open up to each other!!
  • They're not mine, they're my husbands...I swear!!
  • When I am at work I never have a problem with snacking but when I get home all bets are off! One thing I read was that people eat chips out of boredom so when I look in the pantry at home and zero in on the chips, I remind myself that that means I'm bored and I try to go do something else. Since I started doing this, my…
  • When I can't get my lazy butt off of the couch I try to think about how good I feel when I work out and how accomplished I feel when I finish I solid workout. I also try to remind myself that it's not about the weight, it's about how I feel and that I'm helping myself live a long, healthier life. I know, it's really…
  • I still need to try morning workouts. I work out right after work in the afternoons. I started this when I used to work 40 minutes away from home and by the time my workout was done traffic had cleared. Now that I work much closer I go in the afternoons as a way to waste time while my husband is working and on his commute…
  • Awesome! One of my fav things to eat in the morning! I will have to look for them the next time I am at the grocery store.
  • I burn between 250 and 300 calories on the elliptical at the gym depending on what program I am doing.
  • That sounds yummy! I sure wish it would get cold here in FL...
  • Today I was good and actually planned out my meals! Breakfast: Slim Fast Ultima Shake (Rich Choclate Royale is the best!) Lunch: Leftover turkey sandwich from yesterday's lunch Dinner: Meatloaf from my crock pot - I set everything up last night and before I left for work this morning I started crock pot up...so excited for…
  • I've been trying new recipes this week and I made a baked mac and cheese last night. I know it wasn't the best thing but sometimes I think I anything I make at home will be better than the options I have in the restaurants my family wants to go to. Today I woke up with tummy feeling all bloated...anything I can do to make…
    in CARBS! Comment by wattsam1 October 2009
  • mac and cheese and hot dogs - I'm a 5 year old at heart!
  • I like to go to the gym after work and typically I feel too tired to go. But once I get on the elleptical I feel wide awake a whole lot better! Try to drag yourself onto a machine and after a feel minutes the motivation should come!
  • Everytime I walk over to my pantry or fridge I stop and ask myself if I am really hungry or if something else is making me want food. If it's because of a sad or stressful situation I try to remind myself that eating really isn't going to solve my problem and when I really feel like I can't control myself I keep myself…
  • I try to donate my clothes when they get too big. It's a nice way of thinking that there is no turning back and I will never be that size ever again! Since I'm not quite the size I want to be I've been picking up a lot of stuff at Target. It's been hard for me to do that since I LOVE clothes but I figure they're cheaper so…
  • I LOVE tae bo! I took inches off when i used them! I'm thinking I might dust mine off of the shelf as well!
    in TaeBo Comment by wattsam1 October 2009
  • I lost alot of weight when I was in college by eating lean cuisines at every meal. It seems so blah to me now otherwise I would do the same now. If it works for you, and your doctor doesn't have you on a special diet, than I say go for it and good luck!
  • I need magazines. A fresh new magazine to leaf through screams 'read me on the elliptical' to me!
  • I have the BL Yoga DVD. It really kicks your butt and focuses on using the poses for weight loss and it not like a normal yoga relaxation dvd. I think it's okay for a beginner, you can modify the poses if it seems to hard when you start out. Highly recommend!
  • One thing I cannot do is get up early in the morning to work out. How do you get yourself to do it??!!
  • I love how cardio can be addicting! Sometimes when I am exhausted after work and don't want to go to the gym, I somehow drag myself there and after a few minutes on the elliptical and getting all the oxygen and blood flowing I feel great! This is making me excited to get to the gym today!
  • I have the Biggest Loser yoga DVD and it kicks (my) butt. I highly recommend it if anyone is interested in yoga for weight loss.
  • Thats where I'm from, I think us Michiganders all have a little southern in us!
  • They are WONDERFUL!!! I love when they have them at my local farmers market. I'm from up north but this is one thing that makes me wish that I had been born in the south!!
  • I'm not from the south but I LOVE boiled peanuts. When I get the canned ones I open it up and separate it out into smaller tupperware containers. Next time try dishing up a serving amount and having water or something else besides beer to drink...or switch to a lighter beer like Miller 64??
  • OMG! I wish I would have known earlier so I could have set my DVR this morning! Will she be on all week?