

  • [/quote] I see something wrong with it because it just helps those con artists that are just trying to separate people from their money. [/quote] Wow, judge much?
  • True but when I see it client after client I can't ignore it. I see a very distinct difference in moms who do PE and those that don't. Not in every case mind you but pretty frequently. Moms with PE have a shorter healing time and milk tends to come in faster and in larger quantities, and "baby blues" are seldom an issue.…
  • Not necessarily, some take it to give them energy and as supplement to the iron and hormones that they lost during childbirth. Sure you can get synthetic versons of those things but why should you if your body made it and gave it to you in a nice little package. Again, not for everyone but it is for many.
  • Well for example I had a client (I'm a doula by the way, professional labor support and childbirth educator) who suffered from severe postpartum depression after the birth of her first baby. She also had issues with her milk supply and gave up breastfeeding within the first month. This pregnancy she did not want to have to…
  • I actually do placenta preparation and encapsulation. It's becoming more and more common among health conscious women. I actually had seven in the month of March, a record for the year I've been doing it. I admit it took me a while to get used to the idea but once I saw the benefits first hand I knew it wasn't just a…
  • Seriously? I can't believe you haven't gotten any marriage proposals for posting this.
  • Definitely riding my bike on the trails of Buffalo and Braes. Running from my house through Rice village and around Hermann park is wonderful in the early morning hours. I really wish I had more active friends so I try kayaking on Buffalo and maybe a long ride through the city on the weekends like we do for Critical Mass.…
  • Hello all! West U area here. I've lost quite a bit but I still have about 20lbs to go. Recently converted to vegan and I'm loving it. Started the c25k a while back and I've run in multiple 5ks and most recently the Warrior Dash (So. Much. Fun.) Furthest distance to date is 11miles but average 6 or so a few times a week.…
  • Watch my intake! This morning was pretty good but now I'm making some granola and I can't keep from tasting it. I ran 5.5 miles this morning so fitness isn't my problem. I eat extremely healthy food so junk food isn't my problem. It's my portions. I eat too much. I have heart rate monitor so I know how many calories I burn…
  • Couch to 5k! I finished it about a month and a half ago. I've run 2 5ks since and started to bridge to 10k program. I never ran before I started this program and it is perfectly designed for folks like me. It's slow but gets the job done. GOOD LUCK!
  • Thanks ladies. I think I'll just add a two tablespoons per chicken breast. I only eat half a breast at a time so I'll just add one tbs to each serving. That seems fair to me lol
  • 1) Roasted chickpeas 2) Luna protein bars (the chocolate mint bars taste like girl scout Thin Mints) 3) Kale chips 4) Homemade hummus and celery 5) Gummy Vitamins- I know this sounds crazy but I hate taking pills so I get all my vitamins (calcium, multivitamins and omega-3s) in gummy form. I tell myself it's candy.