Knightrobs Member


  • If you're just getting started exercising intensely and consistently it is likely your body just adapting to the bloodflow/sweat/hormone changes. I had incredibly itchy skin for the first 3-4 weeks of regular exercise after months of being sedentary. Your body will adapt.
  • Some day the "fat is bad" lies will be gone... some day.
  • Or if you would like to bump up your daily intake of medium-chain triglycerides.... 100ml Coconut Milk 100ml Water 1/4 Banana 1/4 cup Blueberries = 200cals (15g carb, 15g fat, 2g protein) You could add some whey to bump the protein if you'd like... but I like getting my protein elsewhere so I don't ruin my delicious…
  • What's the best estimate of your current bodyfat percentage? 15% is pretty darn good for most women and dropping any lower is normally difficult. Random suggestion... change your cardio, try some high intensity training for 6 weeks (e.g. sprints, burpies... etc). If you're like most people, your routine has become…
  • I like exercise over diet for 3 reasons: 1) I dropped my first 40lbs in 6 weeks (245 to 205) by exercising and eating the same food 2) I learned a new sport and met a tonne of new friends 3) I like to binge* *when I'm exercising aggressively and consistently, I can afford a two day binge of pizza, fudge and pad thai. By…
  • Not that I don't want to believe you, but for interest sake can you point me to a study or two comparing high carb vs high fat diets for body fat loss?
  • Sure no one got fat. But no one got skinny either. Sugar is sugar. It still creates an insulin response and you will store that energy. The only difference between fruit and candy is that hopefully the fruit has a few more vitamins
  • Provided you don't already have heart disease, sodium has a near zero effect on overall health. If you have high blood pressure, carbohydrate consumption has a 10x greater effect on your BP than sodium.
    in Sodium Comment by Knightrobs June 2011
  • Sry I misread your age. Even at 32 your skin should still have adequate elasticity provided your diet contains appropriate micromolecules. Long story short, do not worry about losing weight too fast. As for the 1200 calories I do not recommend eating just 1200 a day. What would be waaaay better would be to eat 2000-2200…
  • Calorie deficit equates fat loss which is true. Also true that as we age the skin loses elasticity, but being early twenties that is less likely. Eat less than what you burn and exercise and eat protein to maintain muscle tone. Eat few carbs and the carbs you do eat should be complex to reduce insulin response and fat…
  • If thats you in your picture I'd say you are not losing the weight because there is not much to lose. If anything IMO you look like you would benefit more from eating maintenance calories and beginning a strength training routine. As for the calorie question, eat your carbs only around training, and the more drastic amount…
  • Truth. Stick to the berries. If u are ingesting sugar, u better be getting lots of other beneficial micros. Blueberries and Greek yogurt are the business!
  • I'm a fan of ladymuscle and taso's ideas together. Increase the protein and fat calories and carb cycling (intermittent fasting) mixed with heavy compound lifting is fantastically anabolic. Take before and afters to stay motivated too. Good luck!
  • Maybe your carbs are not as complex as you think. If you are eating carbs, the only true way to know if they're being stored is to check your blood sugar after you eat. Even the "best" complex carbs can cause a spike in blood sugar, everyone is very different. And if you are spiking your blood sugar, then you are inducing…
  • Sauna > steam room. But they're both quick fixes. Cut your carbs, cut your sodium... lose your water weight.
  • Can you explain to me why avocado fat is "good" and homogenized milk fat is "bad"? Also can you explain to me how eating fat will make you "skinny fat"? I will agree that eating fat alone will not make you lose weight, that is done by reducing calories and/or increasing exercise. I'm simply arguing its much easier and…
    in Any Help? Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • Eat more fatty calories. Fatty foods are far more satisfying and reduce cravings. Do not be afraid of fats. Do yourself a favour and google "the myth about fats".
    in Carbs... Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • My sarcasm was lost in the text, heh. I'm not a fan of fighting cravings with artificial replacements. Kind of like quitting smoking cold turkey... or using the patch to "reduce cravings". None of it is good, so just bare through it :P And I'll have to read more on aloe, I've seen more and more aloe products popping up.
    in Sugar Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • 1/2 cup of whipping cream and 10 blueberries, nom.
  • Eat less carbs = eat more fats = crave less carbs = lose more fat Or buy no-sugar added chocolate. Tastes good and you can't binge on that *kitten*, or you will... *kitten*.
    in Sugar Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • Word. If you're not already eating low carb, cutting those carbs down to <20g a day will drop that water weight quick and tighten everything up.
  • If you're 17lbs is in 12 weeks, that's great and should be noticeable. Before and after pics are a must IMO like mentioned above. If really nothing has changed in 12 weeks... well, then something isn't being done properly. Even a strict 2 weeks should be showing some type of progress. I imagine you're just being a bit too…
  • So y'all poop like 9 times a day?
  • Don't be afraid of fats. Fats are far more efficient fuel source. Do not fall into the ignorance that is "fat is bad". Eat cheese, drink homo milk, eat walnuts, eat your egg yolks. My favourite quick heavy snack is a 1/2 cup of whipping cream and 10 blueberries, easy 450 calories. Good luck!
    in Any Help? Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • First off, reducing your carb intake is very effective in promoting fat loss because you are no longer creating (or reducing) an insulin response. Insulin is THE storage hormone, so if you do not consume carbohydrates, your body is in a much more efficient state to continually burn energy because insulin is not produced as…
  • Anyone ever notice how much the "carb-lovers" sound like drug addicts...
  • The beer belly should be renamed the diabetic belly. Its do to the extreme amount of fluid and organ fat from decades of insulin abuse.
  • YES!!! Carbohydrates are difficult for the human gut to digest and require ALOT of water to properly digest the carbohydrates. If you reduce/eliminate carbohydrates you'll notice a fast reduction in the size of your stomach/gut as the body expels all the water it required to properly digest those carbs!
  • Natural sugar is still sugar. The only difference is that "natural sugar" from fruits is hopefully accompanied by lots of vitamins/minerals/anti-oxidants in the rest of the fruit (which are great). If you're going over you daily sugar intake you should try and cut it back. Generally berries are the best to keep in your…
    in Sugar? Comment by Knightrobs May 2011
  • Dark chocolate sweetened with xylitol (sp?). Tastes great, and the laxative effect really makes you not pig out on it. haha