Any tips on gaining weight?

bdub17 Posts: 9
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to gain weight without excess fat, any tips?



  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Up the protein and good fats (nuts, olive oil, etc) and pump some heavy iron.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    A bunch of people lately have been touting the benefits of IF (Intermittent Fasting). Might be something for you to look into. I've not tried it myself. Not really willing to eat that way.
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Clean protein, tuna, chicken, hard boiled eggs, rice and beans together. Your body can only assumiliate 16 to 22 grams of protein every two hours or so. I eat around 200 grams of protein a day.

    Here is a good website.

    A good site for all exercises.
  • rickyschultz
    rickyschultz Posts: 3 Member
    Many younger men trying to build muscle mass use protien powders. Some can taste nasty, others are an acquired taste, none of them taste good. How many eggs are you eating? Eggs are a powerful source of protien. I eat at least 2 eggs a day. From the look of your picture, you already are a calorie burning machine. The wicked stuff that will sabotage your cuts are fast food hamburgers, fries, white bread, pizza, ice cream, and candy bars. Those kind of foods will turn you from buff cuts, to the michelien man(not good). Keep working that body. When you get that body to a place where you can do 20 or more full pull ups with no spotter, your machine will be in high gear. Keep rockin!:smile:
  • bdub17
    bdub17 Posts: 9
    Thanks man, I work out alot actually.
    I have gained 12 pounds in 5 months while maintaining my low body fat.
    I can do over 20 pull-ups at once and currently take in over 200 grams of protein per day
    I am 5'11 at 175 pounds
  • Knightrobs
    Knightrobs Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a fan of ladymuscle and taso's ideas together. Increase the protein and fat calories and carb cycling (intermittent fasting) mixed with heavy compound lifting is fantastically anabolic. Take before and afters to stay motivated too. Good luck!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Thanks man, I work out alot actually.
    I have gained 12 pounds in 5 months while maintaining my low body fat.
    I can do over 20 pull-ups at once and currently take in over 200 grams of protein per day
    I am 5'11 at 175 pounds

    12 lbs in 5 months and maintained body fat % - that's excellent man. Why don't we flip this topic around. You tell what YOU'VE been doing!
  • bdub17
    bdub17 Posts: 9
    Yea I've maintained my body fat percentage of 9% throughout 6 months while gaining almost 13 pounds by lifting heavy, eating alot of protein, and barely going above my maintenance level.
    I usually eat around 3000 calories per day and my metabolism is pretty fast now because I eat 6 meals a day and do alot of heavy intense workouts
    I would just like 5 more pounds before I begin my 4 pound slow cut...I am satisfied with my physique but it could always be better!

  • rickyschultz
    rickyschultz Posts: 3 Member
    You are a young man. At 175lbs, you are fit and flexible. I only wish I was down to your weight! I would look for goals of energy and endurance. Nice thing about your size, you can buy clothes off the shelf! Some guys bulk up only to find that without constant attention the massive pythons atrophy quickly. Don't knock where you are at. You can probably run for miles. Most builders have a hard time walking around the block, as they put too much effort into their anerobic form, which places extrodinary stress on the heart. I have seen way too many builders and wrestlers keel over and die in their 50's because their heart could not keep up to feed those monster muscles.
  • bdub17
    bdub17 Posts: 9
    Thanks for the encouragement man, I appreciate it.
    I know what you mean, I am pretty fit but would like some more muscle and definition for sure!
    My ideal goal is 175 at 8% body fat
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