

  • Go to a running store and get properly fitted. It will be the best money you will ever spend on yourself. (usually the fitting is free...you are just paying for the sneaker). That being said, I am in a pair of New Balance. Since being fitted I have not had any issues with shin splints or foot issues.
  • Depending on what you've been eating, I'd say you are retaining water. Make sure you're getting enough water and keep on keeping on. I know for me I wish I could just wake up at a healthy weight...way harder to take off than it was to put on, that's for sure!
  • Great job on the loss! Keep it up! The only thing that will get rid of those inches around the waist is good ol' cardio. You could also try adding in some strength training if you aren't already. I've been doing upper body/core work for about 6 weeks and I am seeing more definition (Wow - there is muscle under there! lol)
  • I like to run in the mornings and walk at night. I also do any strength training in the morning. Personally, a hard work out close to bed time makes it hard for me to get to sleep and mornings tend to be easier to fit "me time" in.
  • Just make sure you are well hydrated. I chew gum during my 5K's to help with my mouth getting dry. Good luck and have fun! You will feel so awesome when you cross that finish line!
  • I can totally see the difference especially in your belly/waist! Awesome! I'm thinking about starting P90X again....Tony scares the bejeevers out of me, but I've seen so much success from the people who use this program. Which of the programs are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  • This is stated perfectly. We pretty much follow a whole food/organic diet and I cook most everything from scratch, but I could never give up sweets. I just have cut down on how often I make/eat them. :)
  • That's AWESOME!!!! Good job!
  • That's awesome! You're an inspiration. :)))
  • Awesome!
    in Awesome NSV Comment by dikent June 2011
  • I actually find it hard to eat before a 5K. I do much better with a small banana, my usual cup of joe and some water right before the race.
  • Thanks everyone. I have looked at the list of potassium rich foods and plan on making sure they are part of my diet on a daily basis. I am not the type to take a bunch of supplements, but I think I may incorporate a multivitamin into my daily routine as well. As I said, we don't eat out very often and we pretty much follow…
  • I actually work out harder as it helps get rid of it quicker for me. I run 5-6 days a week and strength train 3x per week.
  • I am hoping to be near goal, but I know I will be healthier. :)
  • Those sound very yummy! Chocolate covered gummy bears are my absolute favorite treat, but I generally only buy them once a year when we visit Dylan's Candy Bar in NYC.
  • If you are trying to get the most bang for your pasta, make sure you are eating the 100% whole wheat variety. Also, make sure you are careful with your portion size. I don't think any food should be a "no-no", but everything in moderation. Just as an example: One serving of Muellers whole wheat spaghetti, 6oz. boneless…
  • I have a wicked "sweet tooth" and I do not make any food a "no-no". I have, however, made sure I read the label and watch portion sizes. One night I was craving my Haggen Daz coffee ice cream. I took 4 Tbsp (1/2 of a serving) and that was enough to satisfy my craving without totally blowing my caloric intake for the day. I…
  • small organic gala apple with 2 Tbsp. of natural peanut butter - best snack ever (and very filling - sometimes I eat it as a light meal)
  • I love Oikos!!! Pure Pleasure on the Bottom - Caramel is da bomb! It is like dessert.
  • Frozen spinach (a little bit of hot water thaws it) Pepper jack cheese lean ham onion powder granulated garlic black pepper mexican oregano
  • I eat organic vanilla yogurt (1/2 - 1 c.) mixed with 1/2- 1 c. frozen wild blueberries, 2 T. toasted wheat germ and a 1/2 c. of cereal. This fills me up and keeps me full for quite awhile. It also is cold and tastes like ice cream (almost). It is especially good after a hard cardio workout.
  • I think it is ok to eat like that once in awhile and I think foods made with fresh ingredients (and not deep fried) are always the better choice. What is really important is what you are doing all the other days. One day of indiscretion does not a failure make. :)