

  • The top three women all looked great... especially Hannah. I loved her story about being hit on in the gym and she thought the guy was talking to someone else because no one has every hit on her before. Adorable! And maybe I am reading something into Irene's facial expressions but it really seemed like she felt upstaged by…
  • In the end, Jillian kind of grew on me. I think she is more attractive than Anna. Go figure. But yeah, I can't see this working out. It's a slap at the fitness profession. :noway:
  • Bob is leaving too? I didn't like him at first but it is clear to me that he gets the most out of his people. I am not sold on the two new trainers. Their solution to everything is punch something harder or try kicking it if that doesn't work. :huh:
  • I'm hoping Hanna wins. Few few! :blushing:
  • A few years ago the Titans went to the Super Bowl. I remember hearing an interview with their coach. He said, his goal was to go to and win the Super Bowl. But his team was mediocre: 8-8 the last three seasons. He knew that if he said we are going to the Super Bowl this year everyone would have said, yeah right, I'll have…
  • 47x47... I would suggest using "pattern interrupts". I learned the technique from one of Tony Robbin's audio series. For example, if you always go to work, come home and have a beer... and you want to stop drinking... go someplace else after work before you go home. It breaks up the pattern your brain has been programed to…
  • Unfortunately, it's a hell of a lot easier putting it on than taking it off! Are you following a certain diet or winging it on your own?