

  • Afternoon all hope everyone is well. Well amazed i lost another pound this week as on friday on the way to norwich at 1am got a large double cheesebeurger meal and went to pizza hut with a mate before the football on tuesday but i'm not complaining. Nearly died on the way to teh game when the train doors i was leaning…
  • Welcome, I'm in essex
  • Sex lol that will take your mind off the hunger
  • bump :happy:
  • Afternoon all ache a bit after playing golf for 5 hours on sundaybut the walk will do me good and it was in the sunshine too, plus i won which always helps :bigsmile: back on it properly now after having a week or so off what with the kids down, only put on a pound tho so not all bad, considering I had a large double…
  • It was a nightmare, did you see the lorry that had overturned, looked quite funny but god knows what he did to get there coz it was only one of the small ocado delivery vans. It took me from half 3 til 5.50 to get from gatwick to rainham, should have taken me about 40 mins including the brdige. Hey ho lets hope i dont get…
  • Morning all Got back from Belfast last night and sat on M25 at clacket lane for longer than the bloody flight. Hotel was lush went swmming and jacquizi and had a steam I even got my eyebrows done lol (i'm a mans man me) Back to normal now though, am up to Norwich to see the kids and go to the football, have really missed…
  • ahhh well you lot can't spell colour either :bigsmile: :tongue:
    in FIBER Comment by paulo79 April 2010
  • learning to spell fibre might be a good start lol ;)
    in FIBER Comment by paulo79 April 2010
  • Hiya Hope you all had a good easter. I had the kids down from Norwich with me from Wednesday night, took them back yesterday, and now feeling a bit low as miss them loads :( Was quite good whilst they were there, did have more snacks than i normally would and had popcorn when I took them too see Nanny Mc Phee 2, which was…
  • Morning all Thought I'd say have a fab easter now, as am off to Norwich at midday to pick my kids up and bring them back to Essex for the weekend so I doubt i'll be on until tuesday now. So take care and try to resist the easter eggs ;)
  • Thanks hun :) x
  • Morning all hope you all had a good weekend. sort of strayed at weekend had some chocolate birthday cake on saturday and on sunday had chip sandwiches for tea but still lost another pound so all good. Only working til Wednesday lunchtime, as am up to Norwich to pick my kids up and then have them back in Essex til bank…
  • No, coz the bloke is a ****, a fake cockney wannabe
  • Morning Thanks for the hi's lol Hope you all have a good weekend i am off to Norwich to see my kids and then we're off to the football to fortress carrow road to see top of the table Norwich hammer dirty Leeds lol
  • So I don;t get a hi then :sad: :tongue:
  • Afternoon all have been on here about a month now, really like the site and met some lovely people.
  • Hiya Joined a couple of days ago thought i'd say hi am from sunny England
  • Newmarket is a lovely town and I lived not too far from there for 7 years, Cambridge isn't too far and you're only an hours drive from London. I drive from Essex/London regularly up that area of the country to see my kids and it's an easy journey. The plane ride will be fine, you don't need to be scared of flying, just…
  • Yay i'm the first English bod :) 30 year old male from Essex/East London Looking for women between 26-40ish
  • I'm single, male, 30 from Essex in England if anyone fancies a chat