Team UK - April 2010



  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    :happy: Hi guys, hope you all had good weekends.

    I had a good one, it was hangover free which is a first for a while, and makes a huge difference on the eating front!! Was pretty good food wise, apart from yesterday. I went to the gym and did a 3 mile run in 30 mins, so was really pleased with that!! :happy:

    Feeling lovely and fresh today rather than my usual sluggish self on a Monday, so aiming to get to Military Fitness tonight as its a nice day for it, and aiming to do loads of exercise this week. Not lots for the past couple of weeks :grumble: so want to change that this week, so planning to put in lots off effort.

    Stopped at Tesco on the way to work and got a weeks worth of salad for lunches. Determined to loose and would love to be 10.10 for my official Friday weigh in.

    Have good days everybody. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Paul,

    Have finally got round to joining you uk guys after an invite from the newie page

    I joined in April and I must say your pics before and after are very impressive.

    I am entering my third week now, on a 1200 a day Cal regime with about 100cal a day (5 times) excercise in the mix.

    Trouble is lost 3lbs first week and then ZERO second week . I have kept to it but no loss!!!!

    Its all on the belly with me ,and was hoping to lose the target 14 ibs by my holidays.

    Have you or anyone got an idea whats goin on!!!!. I know its only the third week but isn't depressing when you hit a stall.

    Its also goin to be differcult this week as I am also away on buisness up north. Any suggestions welcome ie should I bosst my cal intake

    Hope you all had a good weekend and look fwd to chatting and keeping up to date
  • Afternoon everyone :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all had good weekends

    Mimi - Yay nice to see you back, your posts always make me smile :happy:

    Kateg - No luck with the Lasagne, the trouble with having teenagers - none came home for tea ! at least they told me before I'd made it. LOL

    Plantpot - Congrats on the hangover free weekend

    Paul - Congrats on the 3.8

    Rach & Bobby - Welcome to the site :bigsmile:

    Wasn't a bad weekend, a little bit in the garden but nowhere near what I had planned to get done. Weightloss not bad considering Easter. :laugh:

    have a good week all
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Paul,

    Have finally got round to joining you uk guys after an invite from the newie page

    I joined in April and I must say your pics before and after are very impressive.

    I am entering my third week now, on a 1200 a day Cal regime with about 100cal a day (5 times) excercise in the mix.

    Trouble is lost 3lbs first week and then ZERO second week . I have kept to it but no loss!!!!

    Its all on the belly with me ,and was hoping to lose the target 14 ibs by my holidays.

    Have you or anyone got an idea whats goin on!!!!. I know its only the third week but isn't depressing when you hit a stall.

    Its also goin to be differcult this week as I am also away on buisness up north. Any suggestions welcome ie should I bosst my cal intake

    Hope you all had a good weekend and look fwd to chatting and keeping up to date

    Hi and welcome to the UK thread, its a very friendly and motivating place to be as I have found in my first week here.

    Like yourself, on my way down in the past I had many times where I stayed the same some weeks. Don't let this put you off, it is normal and your body just adjusting to its new food regime, there won't be many who haven't experienced this.

    You know you are eating well and keeping to your calories, so don't let it spoil your motivation, hard I know, but just think of where you want to be, and the reasons you want to be there, and you will overcome.

    As far as going away from home is concerned, try and stick to low cal options, steer clear of anything with creamy sauces, if you like curry, go for a tikka instead of a Korma.

    If you can keep to eating at regular intervals that too should help keep the cravings away.

    Hope all goes well for you over the coming weeks.


  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member

    Paul - Congrats on the 3.8


    Thanks Karen - it has certainly been a good boost into my second week here - I know next week won't be as good as the first week always seems to be a greater loss due to losing a bit of water.


  • Paul,

    Thanks for the comments and motivation, just enterend my lunch for today ,and will be making my way up north . Temptation of hotel menus beckon, but I now have MFP on my Iphone and just discovered how easy it is to enter and keep up to date.

    Many Thanks and I will keep to it - Wonder if the hotel has a gym!!!!

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Sorry i havent posted... busy day!! ill post tomoro :)

    KP X
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Sorry i havent posted... busy day!! ill post tomoro :)

    KP X

    Thats Monday's for you - hopefully the rest of the week will get easier !!

    Paul :smile:
  • Hello all!

    Sorry I have been slack the last few days! I am on school holidays atm so have been keeping myself busy so as not to eat all day! I have on the other hand been doing some awesome workouts! I did 3 hours 45 minutes last wednesday, which was fabulous!

    I now have a bike too, so rode to the gym this morning. :-) It all helps add up the exercise minutes and saves ££££ on petrol I hope! I'm hoping that it helps with a bit more weight loss though, as I have not lost anything this week. :-(

    I am off to Zizzis tomorrow so need some ideas as to what I can eat without busting my calories too much. I am doing Body Attack tomorrow morning though so do have a little give! But any suggestions are welcomed!

    I seem to have missed loads though.

    Mimi, your win sounds brilliant fun! Enjoy it and who cares if you can't dance!

    Karen, I checked out that recipe, sounds gorgeous and full of veggies! Lasagna is a weak spot for me, as like Plantpot, I love cheese and pasta!

    Erika, did you mean Gourmet Burger Kitchen...I love that place! it is amazing!

    Kateg, welcome and good luck with your goals, good to see you are on your way!

    Paul, that is a fab loss! Well done!

  • Double post.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Yes, Gourmet Burger Kitchen...yummy but baaaaaaaaaaad.

    Try the veggie risotto at Zizzi's or the pasta with tomato and mozarella.

    Erika x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    I hope your all ok?

    Im not sure what is wrong with me atm - but i've started slacking big time.. so as of today im kicking myself up the butt and gonna stick to being good...

    last night i snacked majorly on cookies and biscuits (not forgetting the cream egg) ergghhh :sick: How annoying..

    Anywhoo im going to be good today.. and tomorrow.. and the rest of the week !! NO MORE SNACKING ON CRAP! i will do this! thanks for all your support so far and ill keep u all updated with my progress!!!

    hopefully i will loose 1lb this week.. :ohwell:

    :heart: Katherine x
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320

    Come on girl you can get your self out of this little rut and focus on getting back on track with things. I know sometimes it is hard to get back in the swing of things. I have been struggling since my enforced gym break. You CAN do this :heart: :heart: :smile: :smile:
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Good morning everyone - and what a beautiful day it is again today :happy: !

    :heart: KP !

    I agree you can do this - but if your like me and LOVE snacking, snack on healthy things!

    I had a major crave to snack yesterday afternoon so I took a trip to tesco and bought some 'Cadbury Light Chocolate Mousse's' 60 cals per pot - this is great for you chocoholics! and some special k bars, 88 cals per bar! I was very proud of myself for not giving into the tempation of buying loads of crips and fatty chocolates because I try to think about all that fat going through my body and just adding to my body fat and making it that little bit harder to lose that extra weight, whereas if I buy healthy snacks I will get to my goal weight QUICKER!!!

    So what's everyone got for lunch? :wink:
    Chicken salad for me again!!

    Love Tanya xxxx
  • Salmon slices and salad for me - can i have some mayo:happy:

    Lucky the hotel i am staying in tonight has a gym and the menu is varied, but can i ignore the big steak and works:sad:

    KP- keep in there girl set backs are par for the course

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    So what's everyone got for lunch?
    Chicken salad for me again!!

    Not sure yet. I am covering my manager this week and I have been dragged into some meetings over lunch and not sure if I will have enough time to get anything. I was planning to have some soup from the canteen but that is looking less likely now. I may have to pop out into the town if I get a chance as I plan on going straight to the gym after work, and I am feeling hungry already (I've been in work 5 hours already :sad: )
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :bigsmile: "So what's everyone got for lunch?
    Chicken salad for me again!! "

    I've got Leek and potato soup then some grapes for after :)

    :bigsmile: "Come on girl you can get your self out of this little rut and focus on getting back on track with things. I know sometimes it is hard to get back in the swing of things. I have been struggling since my enforced gym break. You CAN do this"

    Thanks Steve - im going to really try - it will be an amazing boost if i can get through this week ok and then its only the weekend to tackle.. i would like to have a perfect weekend but ill take baby steps first!

    SALMON.... :love: Bobby - Jealous... yes!! I love salmon...!

    KP X X
  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Afternoon all

    ache a bit after playing golf for 5 hours on sundaybut the walk will do me good and it was in the sunshine too, plus i won which always helps :bigsmile: back on it properly now after having a week or so off what with the kids down, only put on a pound tho so not all bad, considering I had a large double cheeseburger meal from MaccyD's at 1am on Saturday morning :noway:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! :heart:

    I've missed reading all your posts on here! I managed to log on while I was away but didn't really get to log everything properly or post anything...hope you all had a fab weekend and the sun was shining! :flowerforyou:

    :frown: So as usual at my mum's I found it incredibly difficult not to eat everything in site, I won't lie I did eat whole box of ferrero rocher which my sister gave me for Easter :sick: and various other things I won't even go in to :cry:!

    I'm ready to get back on it today that because I feel very sluggish and BLEURGH this morning! I managed to take my dog out for a few walks but nothing too high impact unfortunately and I'm supposed to be training for a marthon...hmm :ohwell:

    I'm taking my jogging stuff next time!

    I've had my porridge this morning and am going to be very good from now on, almost mid April already...2.5 months until my hol. Gotta get on with it now or I'll have a last year situation where I went on holiday looking like a pork pie!

    OMG I've never won anything EVER and I entered a competition to dance with Beto Perez the guy who invented ZUMBA and I WON! It's at my gym in Leeds tomorrow there'll be 20 journalists there and considering I am pretty rubbish at it I think they might be a bit bummed they chose me hahahahaha I am sooo exicted! :drinker:

    :heart: Mimi

    Ps :heart: :heart: :heart: Good luck this week everyone :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Mimi - Fantastic news about the zumba! Bet your a very happy girlie! Hope it all goes well :flowerforyou:
    hello forerro rocher.. :love: :love:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I've got a cheese salad pitta for lunch...should've checked the pitta a bit better last night when making it, as it's a bit mouldy :sad:

    KP - consider your butt kicked :laugh: Back on the wagon for you! You can do it. :bigsmile:

    /Have a nice afternoon everyone.

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