Team UK - April 2010



  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Thanks for the kind words and nice welcome from everyone yesterday.

    Already I feel well and truly motivated, and for the three days since joining this site have got back into the habit of logging food and exercise.

    I find it really helpful to see how much extra calories you can get through the exercise, which in itself is a real motivator to go out and find something to do.

    Already I have walked down town at lunch time for the last two days, something I have not done in a while.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and even the skies are blue out there today here in sunny Winchester which does help as well.

    Bye for now

  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Good morning everyone,

    Thanks for the kind words and nice welcome from everyone yesterday.

    Already I feel well and truly motivated, and for the three days since joining this site have got back into the habit of logging food and exercise.

    I find it really helpful to see how much extra calories you can get through the exercise, which in itself is a real motivator to go out and find something to do.

    Already I have walked down town at lunch time for the last two days, something I have not done in a while.

    Hope everyone has a good day, and even the skies are blue out there today here in sunny Winchester which does help as well.

    Bye for now


    It's even sunny up north here in Merseyside (what's that all about!!?? :laugh:), so much so that I might have a nice walk down Newton Le Willows High Street and burn some calories off. Looking forward to my lunch today; low fat peanut butter and jelly on tiger bread!! :smile:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    :glasses: :glasses: Its sunny in Manchester :glasses: :glasses:

    Aiming to get back to Military Training tonight, I havent been for agggggggges!!! Did my first road run of 2010 last night and really enjoyed it!!! Pinched my boyfs MP3 player so was running to some great old school tunes!!! Fab for keeping your energy levels up!!! Then went to the theatre with some friends and was v good, had two diet cokes and no ice cream or chocolate!!! :tongue: :tongue: So am feeling back in the zone!!!

    My official weigh in tomorrow, am keeping my fingers crossed that I stay the same, which would be a bonus after a heavy weekend of drinking and eating!!

    Kendra - well done on your loss!! Thats fab!!! Bag of sugar!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    KP - You are looking lovely in your new profile pic!!

    Have good evenings one and all :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi de hi!!

    I've only just found the thread thanks to the lovely T West!!

    Hope everyone is doing good?? Thank God the sun is out at last hey?!!!

    Which is lucky because I have just entered a half marathon and need to start training!!!!! EEEEEK!!!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening All!!! :bigsmile:

    Hasn't it been a gorgeous day today?

    Class 1 of 4 done!!! I had a fab Tae Kwon Do class - even tho the gym was like a sauna, it was a fab workout. Am taking my 2nd grading (Yellow belt) a week Saturday :noway: :noway: :noway: Trying hard not to think about it too much at the moment.

    Lee - bless ya x Only one more day to go then it's the weekend!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :happy:

    Paul and tanyewest - hafta say, I hate every second of Spin class :grumble: BUT I love how i feel when class is over :bigsmile:

    Okely doke, that's me done for now, TC folks and keep up the good work.
    Love ya x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope you've all had a good week? :flowerforyou:

    I sidetracked yesterday and went over my cals by a few hundred... i couldnt resist the Tiger Bread from Sainsburys my mum bought on her weekly shop! So i had that and then a chocolate cookie or 2... Oops! Must log it!! :grumble:

    Anyways im not going to let it get to me..

    Kendrafallon - Ohh Tae Kwon Do.. is it fun? Im thinking of taking a class or 2 because the gym is boring me out something stupid! I've had enough of it.. Or with the weather being so lovely i might go for a run!! :smile:

    Yes the weekend is apon us.. What are you all going to be doing? I've got one of my very close friends birthday tonight.. shes hitting the BIG 21!!! :happy: so its round hers for pre drinks and nibbles!! Then we are heading into Guildford town for more boozing! Cant wait to be honest! Ohh and it will be great not to be surrounded by easter eggs this weekend! :laugh: No temptations!
    While typing my porridge has a lovely skin on it! Is it weird that i like it? Mmm cut bananas and seeds in my porridge.. 400+ cals of yummy goodness to start the day!! And the weather is gorgeous!!! Hope its the same where you all are!? :flowerforyou:

    Sparklepants - Glad you found us!! x:heart:

    Plantpot - Thanks for the comment about the photo - took the other weekend when i went to London with the girlies :bigsmile: How did the weigh in go?

    Lovies x x :heart:
  • kateg789
    kateg789 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone

    Feel a bit our of my depth - never blogged before (don't have facebook or twitter), haven't put a piccie on or filled in my personal info so hopefully you won't think me weird. Everyone on this blogs seems good fun, so I hope you don't mind my bit of blurb.

    I'm 43 and over the past 2 years my weight has slowly crept on. Want to stop the rot now, this site is the best thing to help and I've got the app on my iphone. I've even started running again.

    My goal - to wear pretty dresses in the summer and maybe even a Bikini ( at the moment I look a bit pukey in one).

    Off to take my girls swimming now and hopefully squeeze in some lengths.

    Hope thats the stuff I need to write it just came out my head

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi everyone

    Feel a bit our of my depth - never blogged before (don't have facebook or twitter), haven't put a piccie on or filled in my personal info so hopefully you won't think me weird. Everyone on this blogs seems good fun, so I hope you don't mind my bit of blurb.

    I'm 43 and over the past 2 years my weight has slowly crept on. Want to stop the rot now, this site is the best thing to help and I've got the app on my iphone. I've even started running again.

    My goal - to wear pretty dresses in the summer and maybe even a Bikini ( at the moment I look a bit pukey in one).

    Off to take my girls swimming now and hopefully squeeze in some lengths.

    Hope thats the stuff I need to write it just came out my head


    Hi there and welcome. E
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    I dont know what happend there. Maybe I have friday fingers :laugh:

    I was about to say everyone here is great. Very friendly and you will fit in with us lot. I am sure we are all a little wierd in our own ways.

    Thank god it is Friday I am off work so a long weekend:laugh: :laugh: That's the good news. The bad news is that the weather is going to be good and I am replacing my bathroom this weekend so I will be spending most of the time doing DIY:mad: :mad:

    I hope everyone else is going to have a good weekend.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome Kateg, everyone on here is lovely and very supportive so you have come to the right place!! I have never blogged before although I am on Facebook (slightly addicted to it I have to say)!!!

    Well I have been little bit naughty and skipped my weigh in this morning :ohwell: :ohwell: I had pasta for tea last night and it always makes me heavy, and really didnt want to see that I had put any weight back on. I would usually avoid eating it the night before weigh in, but couldnt resist spag bol and meat balls hmmmmmmmm!!

    My week has been pretty good, managed to get two road runs in after a few weeks of not exercising. I am doing the Manchester 10k in May so I need to get out training!! :sad: :sad:

    Chilled weekend ahead, which will be lovely, I am going to give my liver a rest and stay away from alcohol, so fingers crossed will be sticking to my cals and exercising with the aim of shedding an lb next week.

    Have great days everyone!!! Its gorgeous in sunny Manchester so keeping everything crossed for an early finish today. :glasses: :glasses:

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Morning all!! Beautiful day again!! :flowerforyou:

    TFI FRIDAY!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    KP- Oh my God, too true re choccy eggs!! I keep eating them 'to get rid of them'!!! I need to give it to the bf I think... Oh and I LOVE skin on porridge!! :laugh: Have fun boozing in Guildford!! :drinker:

    Kate- Welcome!! Everyone is lovely here :happy: There is a runners thread in fitness too, you might want to pop over there too!

    Plantpot- :laugh: I never weigh afther pasta or rice!! Good luck with your training! I've got to start my training this w/e too!! :noway:
  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Morning all

    Got back from Belfast last night and sat on M25 at clacket lane for longer than the bloody flight.

    Hotel was lush went swmming and jacquizi and had a steam I even got my eyebrows done lol (i'm a mans man me)

    Back to normal now though, am up to Norwich to see the kids and go to the football, have really missed them lots since taking them back after havign them for 5 days in essex, was good tho didn't comfort eat.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Hi de hi!!

    I've only just found the thread thanks to the lovely T West!!

    Hope everyone is doing good?? Thank God the sun is out at last hey?!!!

    Which is lucky because I have just entered a half marathon and need to start training!!!!! EEEEEK!!!!

    Good luck sweety!!!!

    Love Tanya :happy:
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Morning Everyone!!

    Today is another beautiful day and amen for it being Friday :drinker:
    How is everyone doing? Did everyone have a good day yesterday food-wise?

    I did ok but went for a curry and a few drinks with my dad after work, I had 850 cals left so hopefully I didn't go over :smile:

    Please can people read my bloated topic - I desperately want help on beating the bloat!!

    Thanks everyone - have a good day :flowerforyou:
    Love Tanya :heart: xxx
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    happy friday everyone

    hope your all have a great weekend!!

    so friday is here once more and seeing as i have had most the week off work i feel so refreshed. No drinks again for me this weekend as i am in training for a work football tournament a week monday, so i am going get the footy out and have a kick around. Can only be good right!!

    Welcome to all newbies glad you found us

    To everyone else have a great weekend and lay off the chocolate this one. (yes that means you KP) lol

    James x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    happy friday everyone

    To everyone else have a great weekend and lay off the chocolate this one. (yes that means you KP) lol

    James x

    HA HA!! Thanks James!! Kick around anywhere i know?
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    happy friday everyone

    To everyone else have a great weekend and lay off the chocolate this one. (yes that means you KP) lol

    James x

    HA HA!! Thanks James!! Kick around anywhere i know?

    why u going come check out my legs lol

    prob stoke park hunni

    James x
  • NinaMyers
    NinaMyers Posts: 37
    Well I'm back on track after a holiday weekend which involved too much drinking. This of course results in the craving for jjunk food!!

    Back on the waggon now though and determined not to have any more bad days in april!!
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Good afternoon all, isn’t it a lovely day out there !!!

    kendrafallon – yes, I know wheat you mean with spin – at the start of a session I get that “ what am I doing here feeling “ but then look at the HRM at the end and see I have burn’t 800 Kcal and think, more food !!!!

    kateg789 – hi to you too – you have arrived at a great place to get in control of your weight – I have only been back to logging food and exercise for four days, and already I feel back in control after being out of control for well over 12 months now – stick with it, and you will be proud of yourself !!!

    sdscouser – totally agree – isn’t it nice to be amongst some great people with the same goal in mind – it does help greatly.

    Plantpot – we have all skipped a weigh in before now for the same reasons, but having read your post, I am now in spag bol and meat balls mode for tonight, having bought some from Lidl last night as they were on special offer !!! – luckily my weigh in is not until Tuesday ha ha !!

    magnet501 – thanks James, as a newbie to this site this week, it has been the breath of fresh air I needed to get my self back into weight loss mode

    Well, I hope you all have great weekends, and it looks to be one of those weekends where we can spend sometime out doors – I think my garden will be calling me to rescue it from overgrowth of weeds and long grass !!! , surely that might earn me a little drink in the evening !!!


    Paul :smile: :smile:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone, I hope you're all ok? Nice and sunny here, but am stuck in the office! Hopefully it will be nice over the weekend so I too can get in to the garden!

    Tanya - I've responded to your bloated post. PM me if you want to know anything else, or if I can help.

    Hope you all have good weekends!

    Erika x