Team UK - April 2010



  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    And some very good news as well. Started dieting again last monday and got on the scales for the first time today and have lost 7lbs in 10 days.
    Now i know every week wont be like this but it's a very good confidence builder.
    James - well done!!! I lost 5.5lbs the first week I started to watch what I eat, my weight loss since has been in the region of 1 - 2lbs a week - which I'm more than happy with.

    Thanks hun,
    Last time i lost 4lbs the first week so i understand what your saying and i'm very happy lossing 2lbs a week now on.
    The whole shock was i understand how dieting works and how many calories i have loss to shead a pound so i can usualy work out what i will loss a week from what i eat and what work outs i do. I predicted 3lbs and got 7lbs lol
    I obviously need to rethink my theory.

    Hope your well and keep me posted how you are doing.

    James x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Just saying hi and tagging for later...

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    ok all i'm back

    just over 10 weeks to lose 21lbs. which is 2lbs a week, i'm sure you will all agree with me that it is very possible i can do that and i will keep everyone posted on my progress. Last week was a freak week with 7lbs lost and i have been on here long enough not to hope for anything near that in weeks to come.

    I guess i need to set targets for this month and hopefully will meet them too.

    By the end of the month i hope to have lost 8lbs. Taking me down to 153lbs which will be my lowest in 5 years.

    Hope everyone is well and keep me posted on your progress

  • Becky_Boop
    Hey can I join you guys? I never knew there were this many UK people on here! X
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, Happy April and a very Happy Easter to you all !!! I think that i'm working for most of it so that will cut down on temptation!! It's been a beautiful day here but still a very cold wind. Katherine I think that the Easter Egg Hunt sounds like a brill idea for Maundy Thursday.... hope you did it !!!!

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Hey can I join you guys? I never knew there were this many UK people on here! X

    welcome becky. you're very welcome
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi every body,

    April.... wow, will be Christmas before we know it!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Big weigh in day tomorrow, dont think I am going to loose this week!!! Have been good cal wise but only been to the gym once. Didnt get to the gym tonight, but went shopping after work, so 3 hours walking round shops carrying bags has to count for something!!!! Plus, bought my first pair of skinny jeans, as always been worried I would be too big, so now I am offically 10 something have treated myself!!!! :wink: :wink: Any excuse to shop!!!!

    My April target is to get to 10 7 or below, so based on last Fridays official weigh in that would mean loosing 4 lbs, which should be do able. That would be the lowest I have been in years!!! :love:

    Right guys have great good!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Hello! I hope your first day of April has been good, mine started off with good intentions, was going to go for a swim and I had a relatively low calorie lunch.

    Well that all went out the window after my class had gone home and the holiday began! I had 7 celebrations! Was 257 calories!!! Argh! How is that?!?! All that fat and sugar in them, I rarely eat chocolate like that! Then out came the chocolate log at our staff meeting....had some of that! Whoops!

    Then got home from work at 7, no gym as ate straight away and am too exhausted to even contemplate working out. Plus the ankle is still swollen!

    Dinner was good though, steak salad. :-)

    Not done too badly calorie wise but have gone over slightly. Ah well, walking a bit tomorrow but going to a craft fair, where there will be lots of lovely foodie bits. :-)

    James 7lb is very impressive! Well done!

    Hi Becky! Good to see more UK people joining!

    Plantpot good luck on your target!

    My target is to get down to 50kg but it is not happening atm. Two weeks off to workout plenty though, just got to avoid eating out of boredom!

    Enjoy your Easter and good luck on your targets!!

    Clara xxx
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks Lady C and good look to you for April!!! You lucky thing having 2 weeks off, but I know it can be hard when you have a break from the routine!!! Enjoy it though hun. :wink:
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I have to go visit relatives in Norwich over Easter then flying out to Spain for a week. Am so worried that lack of gym/boot camp/ wii fit will pile all the weight back on. :(. Plus am flying Ryanair so cant even take my scales with me!! Children are in a chocolate egg frenzy and my mother is being helpful by saying "You're not fat" and "I've bought you some hot x buns"!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!

    On the plus side I found that if I move the scales from the bathroom to the bedroom I lose 23lbs! :laugh:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Can't believe its April already. On the 22nd of this month I will have been on this website one year. I've accomplished lots in this year. Still have weight I want to shift but not sure what amount so I'm leaving my goal as accomplished but available to change. My BMI is good and Fat % is way down now. Not sure what is next. I'm on exercise vacation. Or at least its not as mental as it used to be. Break out the weights shortly and have another half hour.
    Glad to see everyone else is doing well.
    James good to see you back. Aiming for 153lbs ouch but good luck!
    And everyone else enjoy your easter eggs. I won't be having any this year only because I'm feeling to lazy to buy any. Also its chocolate or beer not both grr!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello UK people! Just thought I'd check in and see how you were all getting on with your long weekend.

    I had a bit of unplanned drinking on Thursday night. A friend of mine was leaving work, and I was going out for know how it goes! :drinker:

    So, last night was my friend's 30th and I didn't do too badly, kept the drink within my calories, had a bit of a dance etc....then came the 1am kebab. I did have a chicken sish, so grilled and no sauces, but it wasn't in the plan. :blushing: :noway: So, now I'm off to the gym to try and make up for it, and a bit of gardening this afternoon.

    Tomorrow is going to be the big challenge, but I'm going to try and be semi good. Treat myself but try and mostly behave - however I was talking to some of my friends last night and we decided that it was ok to do these things once in a while, you just can't do them every week.

    Hope you're all OK, and having a good weekend so far.

    Erika x
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    Hi guys, hope you're all doing well & enjoying the easter weekend.
    I just found this post - it's nice to see so many Brits on here!
    Anyhoo just thought I'd post & say I completely feel you all that tomorrow's gonna be tough - lunch with my family (big easter roast with drinks & puddings) and then over to my boyfriend's family for the same again! AND I gave up chocolate for lent so really really looking forward to having a bit tomorrow. Going to try and control myself and not gorge every easter egg in sight (my little niece & nephew's included) but it's gonna be tough!

    Basically just wanted to say hope you all have a great day, really enjoy yourselves, but really try and exercise some self control! I'm dreading getting on the scales on Monday morning!
  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    Hi All
    Weekends are my downfall, and with my son at his dads the temptation to pick is greater. The support and encouragement here, however, helps greatly.

    So many encouraging tales of, not just getting the weight off, but the slip-ups, the family pressures. It makes it so much easier to cope knowing its not a failure to slip up.

    I've had a very encouraging 3 months, losing 3 stone, but I know I still need to change my eating habits as I still pig out - even if its on 'good' things, such as grapes or satsumas! Too much is bad for my blood sugar, but I can't stop at one satsuma or a few grapes.

    If I close my eyes Easter will have passed and with it the choc temptations :mad:

    Keep up the good work, and in your quests for fitness and good health.
  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Oh dear, well yesterday was a lovely day but I ate so much that I gave up tracking! I went to a couple of craft fairs with my Mum, they were fab but as one of them was a food based one I ended up picking at loads of food. Cake, cheese, chocolate, oil, pies, nuts...the list goes on! I then bought baklava, 2 cupcakes, 2 small bars of chocolate, some tomato and basil flavoured cheese - sounds weird but is lovely!

    I didn't go to the gym either so I couldn't work off all that food! THEN I made these amazing deep fried sweetcorn cakes! They are fab but addictive and not that great on the waistline.

    I did, on the other hand, lose 0.4kg!! Wahey! I am surprised as I haven't really worked out this week!

    I have done much better today though, I went to the gym, had a lovely piece of trout for lunch and an innocent veg pot for dinner! I did make some more sweetcorn cakes though and had a few bites of chocolate cake!

    I hope that you all enjoy your easters tomorrow, i do not think we are having a big family thing so temptation there is kinda removed! Although, we have chocolate cake and baklava still in the kitchen so still temptation there!

    Hi Cathcakey! Good to see you found us!

    Good luck ragster, you can resist the temptation! It sounds like you really have so far! But it is good to give yourself a bit of what you fancy every now and then!

    Erika, never mind about the kebab! You did well with the drinks!

    Alison, where are your scales from? I want some of those!!

    Good for you Ben, on all that you have achieved! It's fab to see that time and hard work pay off!

    Have fun everybody!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,992 Member

    Does anyone ever go to the Exmouth Seafront Beach or The Crossing at Abbey Road? If you do, send me a message when you'll plan to be there and then wave at the camera. I'll say "Hi" Back.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Happy Easter everyone!!
    I guess i need to set targets for this month and hopefully will meet them too.

    By the end of the month i hope to have lost 8lbs. Taking me down to 153lbs which will be my lowest in 5 years.

    Hope everyone is well and keep me posted on your progress

    My opinion - trying to lose weight and get fit works better if you have a target in mind - be it a certain weight or a certain clothing size. Now that you've started, don't give up!!!
    Hey can I join you guys? I never knew there were this many UK people on here! X

    Hiya Becky *wave*
    bought my first pair of skinny jeans
    WTG Plantpot!!!! Hope you did ok at your weigh in :)

    Lady_C - I know what you mean about chocolate - I know what I'm like, if I start with just a little bit, I crave more. So I'd rather not have any.
    On the plus side I found that if I move the scales from the bathroom to the bedroom I lose 23lbs!

    Don't I wish!!!!!

    Anyhoo, it's been a quiet easter here - no chocolate - partly becasue i live at home with my parents and partly because now that we're all grown up it's not such a big thing in our house.

    I'm a little down at the moment - my parents start out being really suportive of my efforts to lose weight, but lose interest after a while. That's when they start being sarcastic about what I'm eating, which is what they're doing right now. Living with my parents as i do means making a lot of compromises - one of them being eating what my Mother cooks. If you can't tell from the pic, I'm Indian - Mum cooks traditional Gujarati food - I can work out the calories pretty easily.

    it's their comments about the amount of food I eat, or that I won't eat everything Mum's cooked that evening, or more recently that I'm weighing the food before I eat it. Cooking for myself in the evenings is not an option as Mum gets very offended, and cooking for everyone is a once-in-a-fortnight thing - if I'm lucky.

    i don't usually let it get to me so much, I think having an extended weekend and enforced family time has got to me. I just needed to let off some steam.

    Thanks for reading, it really is appreciated
  • nicolaleete
    at last found you uk lot and tagged....
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    at last found you uk lot and tagged....
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Happy Easter Monday! :flowerforyou: Man oh man, I haven´t done as badly as perhaps other Easter´s but I went out last night, didn´t drink much at all but it all adds up...was over by about 350 I´ve eaten half of my galaxy easter egg, 500 cals :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Need to go for a jog today but feeling very :sick: I´m going to make myself go though and hopefully eat something ridiculously healthy for tea! Watch this space! Back to work tomorrow...where DID the weekend go!!!!

    Have a great day!

    :heart: Mimi