

  • I am training for a Half Marathon and did 10 miles this morning, rough but got it done. Good job, keep it up!!!!!
  • Really, ok that is interesting because I always freak out about if it is too high, granted a good too high, not too high because I had bagels and donuts! LOL I guess it makes since because that kind of starts your morning off and if your starving all day then your gonna eat more and maybe bad things! :)
  • Good job, I run too but my running hasn't been that consist lately, but have a half marathon in October. What type of race are you running?
  • OMG you look awesome! You should be so proud of yourself! Man I bet people's mouths are falling open when they see you. Congrats on your new body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Work it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I am going to attempt this tonight when I get home! I like these challenges they are fun!
  • I am right there with you! Sit at a desk all day!!!! But the best things I have are grapes, apples sometimes with peanut butter, bananas, almonds and my favoriate thing is Blue Diamond Nut Thins. They have different flavors and not alot of calories for a serving, or maybe yogurt too! Hopefully those things will help!
  • I completed your challenge! I did it at my desk at work. I used a fat 3 ring binder with a bunch of papers in it and a smaller binder full of papers for weight! I did 20 at a time till I reached 100! Whoop Whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :happy:
  • Sounds like a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Great job!!!!!!!!! Hard work pays off!!!!!!
  • Oh got ya, yea it seems I am finishing it all up the next day after I get to work. So that makes sense! I had a feeling that was it! Ok thanks
  • Well I was under my calorie goal, I had 9 calories left to spare. I know it says I went over on sugar and protein. Does that effect it? I clicked the green tab and then it told me how much I would weigh in 5 weeks if I ate that everday. Am I still missing something?
  • Well I am glad I wasn't the only one. Too many tempting things to eat laying around! Will power is something hard for me to get! But today is a new day, even though I didn't work out before work this morning and my son has a baseball game so I have to be EXTRA careful today not to go over my calories!!!! This will be a…
  • We can be friends! More the marryier!
  • That's awesome! Congrats! BTW, did that tatoo hurt on your side, I want one there!