

  • SNICKERS BLIZZARD!!!!!!!!love it, if i buy a small i go back to buy another!
  • retin a !!!!!!!!!!!! you need a prescription it peels and thins the skin. its uncomfortable but as the new skin comes back you can hardly see them!!!!
  • i never even thought about it!!!!!!!! i trusted it was correct!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for the post i will be much more careful
  • yes!!!!!!! i thought it was only me!!!! maybe low carbs so the stomach empties faster???? really i do not know i have felt this way for awhile it makes you not even want to exercise if u find out why let me know!!!
  • i took it about 6 years ago i only lasted about 3 weeks i lost weight but felt terrible! sweating,fast heart rate ,could not sleep and always in a bad mood. i suggest if your body does not agree with it try something else. your the only who really knows how you are feeling do whats best for you ! remember their are many…
  • yeah it is!!! it was that or a gastic high cholesteral high sugar sleeping problems well u name it i needed the weight off fast. it is done by dr. chung in california buy now its everywhere
  • its a mesh material that is sewn into the tongue it makes it impossible to eat solid food. supposedly the new form of gastric bypass. it is only left on 1 month you can take a month off and put it back on if you want. i had lost 20 pounds but of course its a strict diet with medical supervision
  • hi!!! i am new here too i will send you a friend request and we can only start by supporting eachother
  • i really wish i could tell you what to do . i have the same problem i eat alone throw away evidence. i am so embarresed. even to the point of saying i do not know why i am gaining wait i only eat a little.because nobody ever sees me eating ,so, what else can i say. i understand you 100 percent. lets keep in contact and try…
  • i am !!!!!!!!!!! i need help i am gaining not losing!!!!! i need SUPPORT lets do it!!!!!!
  • do not give up!!! maybe their is a better diet out there for you. i am starting the scarsdale diet tomorrow!!! wish me luck and i will let you know the results!!!! ps it was recomended by a doctor