adipex p anyone on it and doing well

I just started it 2 days ago and the 1st day took 1/2 of this tiny blue and white speckled pill and then couldn't sleep when night time approached.

Now I cut the darn thing in 1/3 and last night was able to sleep but I feel like I can be superwoman on these things.

Woke up this morning sooooo hungry though but have to wit 1/2 hr before eating upoin taking the pill.

My question is this...anyone on it and doing well?

Anyone losing weight quickly and what are your results like at the end of being on it?

Are results maintainable?

I have lost nothing with serious diet and exercise in over a month and a half so the dr put me on this to try it, but I am not sure I like how I feel.

I drink tons of water and still wake feeling parched and with a slight sore throat....maybe that one is not related though.

Any of your feedback would be greatly appreciated.



  • Texaganian
    Texaganian Posts: 67
    Sounds like typical amphetamine reactions.
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    Hello there, I was on that two yrs ago on/off, it works wonderful, I took mines @ 4:00 seeing that was the time I felt snackinsh, the weight comes off, but it comes back slowly. the side effects will last at least 2 weeks. its not a magic pill, don't forget to work out!!!
  • ktieman
    ktieman Posts: 45 Member
    This is my second 6 month time frame on it; I started last year was on for six months off for six months and now back on for six months. I have lost 60 pounds so far. I only had one night of not being able to sleep and then it passed. I have had no other side affects since. For me it has been great; my knees have quit hurting at about 30 pounds of weight coming off and my energy level has increased to where I actually get out and cut the grass now. Haven't done that in years. It is a tool to help you change your eating habits, not to make you loose weight. Eating better on adipex is supposed to become a habit that you continue when you are off it adipex. Good luck.
  • joshuathopper
    Ive taken it on and off a few times. Yes after I came off of it I gained some back, but im still down 16 as a whole. The key is diet and exercise with it. The hardest thing is when you get off of it your appetite will return. Just eat right and continue exercising after you get off of it and you should be fine. Someone mentioned 4:00. Thats about the time I take it. I notice if I take it past that I can sleep. Just dont take it too late and drink plenty of water and you should be fine
  • eliza7119
    eliza7119 Posts: 15
    i took it about 6 years ago i only lasted about 3 weeks i lost weight but felt terrible! sweating,fast heart rate ,could not sleep and always in a bad mood. i suggest if your body does not agree with it try something else. your the only who really knows how you are feeling do whats best for you ! remember their are many ways to lose weight
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I tried it for 3 days and I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. I stopped taking it and never looked back. I reached my goal the old fashioned way.