

  • No food is an absolute no no, but I agree about limiting your salt intake. Salt will make you retain water in your cells and is often why people swell. Processed foods have a lot of salt in them and very littel nutritional value. Make sure you are eating all of your calories or your body will think it is starving and slow…
  • Good for you!
  • I have been working out hard and this week gained weight. I have not been eating my exercise calories and trying to stay right at 1200 cal, I think this week I am going to eat those calories and see what happens.
  • That is wonderful. I personally have not done as well, but my husband has lost 24 pounds in 4 weeks. He went to the doctor yesterday and told the doctor about this program. I am very excited about this website and I also tell everyone and have my entire family signed up doing it. It is amazing how much food we put in our…
    in 45 lbs Comment by tdschar June 2011
  • I have my entire family using it, I think it really helps, welcome aboard!
  • That is wonderful you are meeting your goals!!! Keep up the good work, I love this program I have my entire family competing to eat healthy, and the plus is we are losing weight.
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