

  • Yay! I love this show! I'm watching it right now. My new fave quote-"I'm not killing you, are are killing you!" I have to remind myself of this quote when I'm doing my 30 day shred!:laugh:
  • I just DVRd it! I have a serious love/hate relationship with her :love: :grumble:
  • I enter it in as general dancing. It says I burn like 400 calories for one hour. I think that is kind of high, but it has to be pretty close, especially if you're doing the more intense dances, and ones where you're doing a lot of jumping. I just love that game :happy:
  • No, def not starving myself. I usually do make it to 1200, but like I said I get lazy at entering things in. And I have this problem a lot-I get to 7:30-8:00, still have 300 calories left to eat, and I'm not hungry at all. Like right now, I'm not the least bit hungry, especially after the big supper I just ate. By 10:30…
    in I'm stuck Comment by mhouberg May 2010
  • And yes, I do measure hips and waist. I've lost 3 inches on my waist in the last 3 weeks, but my hips just won't budge :laugh:
    in I'm stuck Comment by mhouberg May 2010
  • Yeah, I get lazy at entering in everything I eat. Especially when I have a carrot here and there, or apple slices here and there. I do seriously get to 1200 most days. There are some days I don't, but not too many. And on days when I've zigzagged myself (that sounds weird doesn't it? :P) higher, i don't enter everything in…
    in I'm stuck Comment by mhouberg May 2010
  • That's how I enter it too. Circuit training for 20 minutes. And then I take like 20 off because I do take a few second rest here and there during it.
  • This irritates me too. I had a coworker say that to me. I'm not able to make time every day, but most days I choose my 20 minute Jillian Michaels over watching one more t.v. show that don't need to watch.
  • She is motivating, and she's not mean at all or anything. Her workout is just killing me! I like level 2 better than level 1 though. I can't do all those pushups on level 1!
  • and after posting that this morning and being bummed all day, i ended up having a crappy crappy day at work, so after dropping off my kids at baseball practice the two younger ones and I gorged ourselves at the Chinese buffet :( uuuggghhh!!! Now I feel even crappier. I have to enter in what I just ate so I know how much…