

  • I would imagine that MFP has it set where you get that message when you go under 1200 at all. I would just ignore it if you are barely under, especially if its rare.
  • 300!!! Thats nothing!! I have gone over by more than that a few times. One night I had a sandwich, chessy bread, and chocolate cake from Dominos when I was already at 1300 calories! My trigger is stress also. I can't even remember how much I was over. I didn't record it and I seem to have blocked out the number, but it was…
  • I stopped wearing shorts for the same reason. Are you working on toning as well as losing weight because you need to do that to make the cellulite appear better. From what I understand it doesn't go away, but you can make it not show as much. The other thing I heard was putting hemerrhoid cream on it. Apparently its what a…
  • A deficit is the difference between the calories your body needs to maintain its weight and the calories needed to lose weight. Example: MFP calculates my maintenance calories to be 1910 a day according to my weight and lifestyle, so with a daily net of 1200 my deficit is 710. When you exercise but don't eat those calories…
  • A lot of people on here say not to eat those calories, but you really should. By setting your net calories at 1200, MFP has already given you a deficit. The only thing I do is try to leave a few (amount depends on how much I workout) each day because according to people who have an HRM MFP calculates high for the calories…
  • I worked a third shift job for twelve years and often did not get to bed til 7 or 8 in the morning. I still ate the same meals everyone else did but on my own schedule. People would laugh at me when they called at 2 or 3 in the afternoon and when asked what I had been doing, I would respond with, "Eating breakfast." For a…
  • I don't do that myself, but I know people who do, and they have a liquid breakfast before their workout. You coulld try a protein shake or something beforehand.
  • Circuit training, general
  • I drink flavored sparkling water from WalMart. Since I started drinking that I don't even crave soda anymore.
  • I count walking around sometimes depending on how much I do. I just try to be realistic about the pace so I don't have too many calories added. Also if you are having trouble with motivation because you don't see results maybe you should try something like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. If you can get yourself to do it for…
  • Even when you do just strength training you have to log it under cardio for the calories burned. Even though I do both circuit training and normally do strength training, I have to go under cardio for them. I ignore the strength training part completely now.
  • When I was younger I used to be a big health and fitness nut so I know what I am doing. I understand a lot about both diet and exercise. I am not an expert of course, but I know quite a bit. My problem recently has been a matter of DOING not KNOWING. My motivation comes when I get people, even friends, who act like I know…
  • I am so happy to hear that it motivated you even more! That is exactly how people should take an incident like that, but it can be so hard. You have the right attitude and it helps me to hear people like you because I can take things like that to heart too often.
  • I know a lot of people don't like hearing this, but I think you're not eating enough. I looked through your food diary, and I saw a number of days where youe were under 1000 calories. Other days you had worked out enough that you should have eaten more and you still ended up a few hundred calories or more under. It sounds…