Circuit Trainnings

wonder if the normal circuit trainning squats, lunges and other homebased excercise is burning enough calories...because when we log our excercise diary, it doesnt count the calories burned? I may wrong though..not so pro with MFP features yet..


  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I log it under cardio, circuit training and for me it is a little more than 100 calories per 10 minutes. I have found that circuit training, even though it does not burn as many calories as running, is a more effective full body work out for me. Good luck!!!
  • tjwolf13
    tjwolf13 Posts: 14
    Even when you do just strength training you have to log it under cardio for the calories burned. Even though I do both circuit training and normally do strength training, I have to go under cardio for them. I ignore the strength training part completely now.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Also remember that really the intial calorie burn you see on the meter is not necessarily the most important thing. The thermic affect of exercise persists throughout the day. Weight training is a more effective means of burning calories and improving body composition.